
We always do.

That cartoon is f*cking brilliant. Thanks for that - it made my day! :-)

Perfectly… for you. Not everyone had the same reaction.

I'm happy to hear you are sorry I feel differently.

Recasting is NOT an option. They should NOT "absolutely" take it off the table if they can figure out a way to give her iconic character the send-off she deserves. Sorry if you feel differently.

Not in the same way Carrie Fisher was, no. Not even close.

What's the alternative?!

Downvoted an inconceivable amount of times.

Ahh… but was it as patronizing as saying you were "mystified anyone liked it as much as they did"?

I should have stated "abandoned for the US theatrical cut" — you're right, of course, the European cut featured Goldsmith's score. Having said that, my original point stands: Ridley didn't "butcher" the score of Legend in the slightest.

Goldsmith' score wasn't butchered it was abandoned altogether for Legend. Call me crazy, but I've always felt Tangerine Dream's score was darker and more direct while Goldsmith's feels over-bearing, obvious, and… syrupy (for lack of a better word).

The second time I watched it I found myself more moved by each of the character's deaths despite the general lack of insight/backstory. I was actually pretty impressed by that, actually.

Sounds like you've died a little bit inside. Not sure how you could be "bored out of your mind" but maybe this Star Wars stuff just isn't for you. :-(

It stands to reason that the second Death Star was built much faster as all of the hard work of design, prototyping, and logistics had already been proven with the release of the first Death Star.

Beautiful Lincoln quote from Arnie and one that I wish ALL of us would reflect on in times like these.

Fair enough, as I was writing that sentence I was working myself into a bit of a lather and decided to bust out some unfortunate buzzwords. Point taken.

I'm pretty sure you're not the spokesperson for everyone here who is calling for an end to white people. Though I can only guess at the motivations of one of your comments down below about not wanting to have any white children might have been. Or was that more of that mocking hilarity?

Nope. It is a "white guilt" meme. We have people throughout these threads outright calling for the end of white people. In a word: genocide. And why? Because we're associating the pigmentation of one's skin to systemic social injustice. As if all white people are somehow accountable for said injustices. Do you not

Jesus f*cking Christ. Get a grip.

I suppose Scott would say that Legend didn't attempt any connection to reality — it's essentially a fairy tale put to celluloid.