
That movie is goddamn perfect. Screw the haters!!

It did win Best Picture but seems to have garnered a reputation as "undeserving" over the years.

Well said. I want my daughter to discovery her own ear for music — not follow in my footsteps (though, goddamn, I have amazing taste!).

So an app that lasted 3 days before it was deleted gets a nod as a "favorite" game of the year.

I wonder if Alec Guinness rolled his eyes each time a royalty cheque rolled in…

Always felt that was a total dick thing to say to a kid.

So what you're saying is that moderates seem to have a penchant to downplay extremists? Food for thought.

Rogue One.

Why do you believe this happens "ALL THE GODDAMN TIME"? I've never, ever experienced anyone ever being kicked off a flight in the hundreds of flights I've ever partaken.

So how often does this happen?

We saw like four


Says guy who doesn't think stuff but claims to think stuff.

Still waiting for you to contribute anything remotely thoughtful to this thread. Zzzzing!

Sadly, zero comment/user name synergy. :-(

Phantom Menace = 32 years BBY

It would have been tacky having another actor assume Tarkin's role.

I disagree. Tarkin was a necessary component for any original Death Star story. If you made up another big boss there would have been questions about where Tarkin was and why this new character wasn't in the original trilogy.

They're timeless.

Interestingly enough there were plenty of Asians in The Force Awakens.