
And absolutely correct.

Food for thought: aren't all religions made up by science fiction writers?

Sofia gets too much flak for her casting* and performance. The role didn't exactly require high thespianism. She's not great — but I don't think she sinks the movie.

Also from 1990, and I know a lot of people like to sh*t on it, but I think it's unjustly maligned: The Godfather III.

I really, really want to believe the Judo Gene story but he has been known to tell some tales that may or may not have been entirely exaggerated.

Best JCVD film of 1994. I'll give you that much…

As a grump middle-age(ish) man who grew up on the Classic Trilogy, collected all of the Kenner action figures, and subscribed to Bantha Tracks I can say this:

Well, you could say that playing this whole thing out in public is a pretty shitty thing to do too. I'm not entirely sure what Carrie should have expected - hell, she literally says that she feels uncomfortable with the whole public revelation. That's pretty telling, no?

Maybe it's a "shithead" thing to do but that doesn't make someone a pathological "shithead". Jesus Christ.

Cute emoticon.

Right. So he was a shithead to his wife almost 40 years ago. Then again, how do we know what was going on in that relationship? Who are we to judge? Was Carrie on coke at the time of their fling? (I thought that her coke addiction came later… during the ESB years, though I may be wrong?)

It was probably a deal breaker for Disney to NOT have the original cast play some kind of role in a reboot/sequel series, hence, the need to jump 30 years later.

Wait… what exactly did Harrison Ford do here that makes him a "shithead"? At worst he's giving her "the silent treatment".

Did he act like an ass though? It seems like he didn't respond when she gave him an advanced copy of the book… but he hasn't said anything about it since this story broke, has he?

This urban legend is based off a sarcastic joke by Fisher that she "slept with some nerd" to get the part. Doesn't sound like there is any truth to rumour in the least… though I could be wrong.

I'm thinking Disney had a mandate that The Force Awakens had to go back to the original formula to mitigate risk. I'm also thinking the sequels will have less restraint placed on them as a result of TFA's success.

I disagree completely. I like the idea of taking the main cast forward 20 years to see what's going on in a trilogy format.

Rogue Negative One?

He does seem actively interested in returning to the role. He was the one, consistently shining part of the Prequel trilogy.

Mehh… both animated series have been surprisingly enjoyable and The Force Awakens did the impossible: it restored faith in a fanbase that had long since lost it. Faith that further adventures in the Star Wars universe is worth the investment.