
Harmy's Despecialized editions of the Classic Trilogy are also a pretty great alternative.

I didn't know I was yearning for it until I saw the first trailer for Rogue One. Now I'm yearning for more.

Many Bothans died bringing you this post….

It's not even spelled the same. Come on! *leans back in chair + throws hands up in frustration*

The "genocide" brought on by Europeans? Do go on…

It was pure bullying. It's a typical bullying tactic during debates to resort to ad hominem and attack the opponent rather than their argument.

And yet he still survives, has an immunity necklace in his pocket and won an immunity challenge. He could play his "long wolf"/"swing vote" position pretty effectively to move further into the game.

Bret and Zeke personally attacking David at tribal put me firmly in David's camp.

Speaking of Orphan Black and accents I've heard a few Brits were shocked to find out that Jordan Gavaris' (Felix) was not, in fact, British. His accent is that good.

I think you meant to say Latin or Greek — Italian is a derivative of Latin that came into being well after the Bronze Age.

Isn't Fassbender's mother Northern Irish?

How about his accent in Bram Stoker's Dracula? I've heard some Romanians think it's… well, that's it's pretty sh*t. Having said that, being ignorant of what a "good" Transylvanian accent should sound like, I loved his performance regardless. :-)

I've always just assumed that Teddy KGB was a dude pretending to be a Russian. At least, that's the only way I can watch Malkovich's performance and take it somewhat seriously…

Go on….

So. Very. Jealous.


I would argue that SG1 had more iconic and likable characters. The stories themselves were secondary.


Go on…

Nahh… I'm convinced Trump is actually an Orange Berlusconi.