
I often read your comments and wonder how high you must always be. ::waits for some vague weird response::

I hope he dies in a fire.

This guy was so fucking talented. RIP

::insert homer bush gif::

That fucking show. When it was on it was fucking on.

I'm a comedian

Ladies and gentlemen we have an idiot in the building.

Do do do doooooooooooooo

Shattered dreams by johnny hates jazz



His grandpa would spell BOOBIES upside down

She was not engaged at the time her and I were hanging out and she was talking about going on the show.

That's what I thought too- but she's part of some cheerleader/spirit group w the team. I've seen pics of her in uniform with Rogers and some of the other players.

I teach at the same school as this girl. I had a huge crush on her for a long time and one day she asked me to meet her for wings and football. In getting to talk to her more and get to know her she showed me pictures of when she was a packers cheerleader and then moved to Teach the youth of America.

I bartended at this Mexican restaurant in blue octobers home town for years. My coworker was nice but was super into fucking blue October. One day he was off work because his wife was in labor and the guitarist for the band came and ate and had a drink alone.

Tweedaboo dweedabodee eeeyeeeeeee - come on be my baby tonight, come on be my baby tonight, ahhh, I've seen the way you've treated other guys you've been with, come on be my baby tonight!

Eat a dick!!!!

::George RR Martin digs in to belly button and finds a cheeto crumb, eats it, falls back asleep and farts as he's dosing off::

As someone who works with k-5th graders, and as just a decent human, this is unbelievably heartbreaking. This child's future was stolen and I can only imagine all of the lives ruined because of this senseless act. I have no words. I'm just fucking disappointed in the world.