
No Country For Old Men won the friggin oscar for best picture. Hollywood execs are so dumb.

If I had a nickel for every shitty pun on here…

I would argue that he's the emotional center and protagonist though.

Well, 46% of America.

All the PETA videos I've seen were horror movies.

I can't be the only one who loves Observe and Report.

Hell, I'll get you a face dude. I can get you a face by 3 o'clock. Don't ask me how.

That's the first song I thought of too.

This was pretty funny to read a year in the future. You're good, you!

Do you know anyone who has HBO? There's a way for it not to cost extra…

Yes! That was some of the darkest shit I've ever seen on TV.

Nope, you're not alone. Seasons 4 & 5 of Voyager have some of my favorite ST episodes of all time, many written by Bryan Fuller. This is great news.

Maybe Kim was on her period that day. Still, she looks radian-t.


Yeah, Coogler for director or at least Original Screenplay would have been nice. Other than that, pretty solid list!

He just wanted to go to Tashi station to pick up some power converters!

Number 2 for me behind Fargo. Hit all my sweet spots (Goodfellas meets The Wire meets Pablo Escobar)

They were supposed to be surveilling it.

Love the way you can see the heat from it distorting Rey's face too. Never saw a light saber do that.

Ha! This guy's back!