
Really? That bothered you more than any of the other violence in Narcos? You must be a strict vegetarian.

He never said it was based on her mouth…

The Lord of the Rings is a documentary?

You've clearly never done a jazz piano gig while high on cocaine.

Yeah, me and most folks I know just watched it on CNN's website while we did other stuff. I doubt they factor that into ratings.

Hey, No Country has an awesome dog reaction shot (when he shoots Woody Harrelson)

And, you know, Audition is good.

Damn guys, who let the owls out? Who? Who?

The Crow and its sequels

I maintain that Sorcerer is a classic in its own right.

"Hey guys it's harmonica week, you think we should do a Stevie Wonder song?"
"Fuck that shit! GIN BLOSSUMS!"

You look like you're decorating a fuckin Christmas tree, you don't know what you're doing.

Blade II and Dark Knight are both top-tier comic-book movies.

Agreed. I've had a couple different boxes since ditching cable and Apple TV is by far the best interface and fastest streaming. No Amazon Prime is the only drawback.

"a successful man who aspired to greatness, but kept getting dragged back down into the muck by his own worst impulses—the same impulses that, to a degree, made him a success."

Ha I love that too. Or when Henry Rollins says something to the effect of "Sarge? This is some seriously spooky shit."

Nice fuckin game. Nice fuckin game.

Yeah and I doubt Shane's hillbilly ass could be bothered to know much Spanish.

Now That's What I Call You Seeing Me

Can he swing, from a web?