
But having a fire weapon out prevents that, even if it's not drawn, so clearly it was all pointless.

It looks impressive…for making Arya look like an unstoppable badass who can now, after failing out of assassin school and spending most of the past 6 seasons being a pretty poor bladed weapons user, defeat the best fighter we've seen on the show. The actual choreography (especially from Brienne) and inexplicable

She cares in the sense that they're people to subjugate and rule over, and in the sense that they might just actually come down on the castle/turn on the troops. Hell, maybe her way will even be to give food to the people who make her feel the most powerful or feared or whatever.

I'm not, because I don't think it's a plot point at all. I don't think they meant to show that the entirety of the food for an entire city was destroyed, yet I see people here acting like that's the case.

All the food? No way the amount of food wagons they showed (which we don't know; they could just be normal military supply wagons) could supply a city and an army for years and years.

To which people will point to Cersei being evil and only caring about herself, but she at least cares about maintaining an army, if not about worrying about the hoi polloi coming down on her in her castle as per her husbands speech in season 1. I'm not sure I buy the whole "she'd let them all die for no reason" angle

I have no idea what people are talking about when they say the dragon torched all the food they had for the winter. It destroyed what, like 30 wagons? Maybe? I figured that was the food and supplies for the army on the march; there's no way 30 wagons of food would be enough for an entire city for years. Or even just

Speak for yourself - I found it incredibly annoying and convenient that Ms. Sads-Around-For-A-Few-Seasons-Gets-Stuffed-In-Swordfights-And-Fails-Out-Of-Assassins-School can now beat the best fighter in the world with a dinky rapier.

Eh, currently she's just being all stuck up about herself wrt Jon because it's her "right" without really selling how she'd be better…and constantly has to be talked down from burning a city to the ground. She has also seemed real militant, self-satisfied, and uncompromising in a lot of ways too, for several seasons

Well no, but at least the show is correctly showing how crappy such monarchs are while Dany is "the good one". Also Emilia Clarke is kinda a bad actress?

Oh yeah, plus she bought into those microtransactions to become the Number One Assassin Fighter despite kinda sucking at it.

I was rooting for Bronn because Dany is a total weenie, who, while maybe not evil, is boring and acts completely spoiled in the sense that she expects everyone to treat her as some kind of benevolent god.

Yeah, Emilia Clarke has, well, let's call it…limited range.

I guess? Between Brienne's super clumsy swings, each with their own entire season of windup, and Needle's miraculous ability to deflect a two handed broadsword - as opposed to being blasted aside if not thrown from her hand immediately - it struck me as rul silly.

The "Arya is now greater than or at least equal to the best swordsperson on the entire show" bit was pretty annoying. When did that happen? Last I saw she was pretty mediocre with it; a few lessons from a swordsman and then like 5 seasons of basically making things up and getting dunked on a few times.

I mean, I'm not sure of the racist connotations (well, I kinda am, but that was besides the point), but my knowledge of it is that it's a term for "setting things up such that everyone knows everything about a situation, in there being no secrets between business partners". But I didn't see their usage of the name as

That is not at all the correct usage of the phrase "parting the kimono".

I'll always be a Stonie fan ;(

I only played the Injustice 2 story mode; Superman made a ton of sense. Someone explain to me where he went wrong in the first game's story?
