
It's a silver 2012 Honda Civic. I find it in parking lots by remembering where I parked it, or beeping the lock with my key, and I look at the road when I'm driving, not the steering wheel. Makes sense to me.

You can show me cars, with logos, and I might be able to identify maybe…3 brands. Not model, just brands. I drive a Honda, the only car I've ever owned, and I couldn't tell you what their badge is(I assume it's an H?)

All this piece moving makes me worry there won't be a season 4 :/

*Sell Tales

I guess you could say that his audience was only a -
-of Australians!

That's not a finger.

I don't know if the spoken version of the language has the same effect; it's established in the book as being almost entirely unrelated to the written one, and given the nature of how sound works, is unable to be depicted all at once instead of on a linear timeframe.

Exactly this. The ladybug>flashback>Jack shows appreciation was too compact and a little too on the nose for me. I think it would have been a lot better if, earlier in the episode, we saw her get a flashback, but then still try to kill Jack, but then he appreciates the ladybug at the end absent of any of that, and

Sure, it looks bad, but what was the monetary gain of being part of a family?

You have technicians here, making noise - they're not artists because nobody can play the guitar!

Nah it's not dark you're misunderstanding him bro.

You mock, but the "cars out the airplane" gag actually did happen; they had to film the thing with skydivers and everything. For all of it's bombast, I have to give props to the F&F movies for sticking to practical stunts when they feel it works best - the vault tumble in 5 and the tank chase on the highway in 6(?)

*Rednecks* don't crawl.

Or if, at the end of that long diatribe of Jon's in the stew room (you know, instead of the slow clap) Katsuji had instead taken a beat, the camera zooms in unevenly on his face, and he goes from dead-eyed-open-mouth-psuedo-grimace to "Ha ha ha! What a story John!"