
I have to agree with Allison's rating on this one. It's the first episode that's disappointed me this season.

It'll probably get funnier when they work Subaru into the dialogue…

I'm pretty sure the first time is in Episode 5, "Josh and I Are Good People", after the homeless lady says "This is a really nice car." I just checked, and it's — I assume not coincidentally — also the first episode in which Hyundai is listed in the end credits.

It did, but Rachel Bloom tweeted later that Rebecca got her car back, so I assumed it was cannon — but I admit that I can't recall seeing the car in any episodes after the repossession, even though Hyundai still shows up as a sponsor in the end credits, right up to and including the first season finale.

Has no one commented on the most momentous change this season?

I would certainly agree with your criticisms of Younger, as well as how the term "millenial" now routinely gets misused. I remember the same thing happened twenty years ago with the term "Gen X": Boomers continued to use the term to refer to all young people, even once actual Gen Xers like myself had aged into their

You know, I've been following the cast on social media right from early in the first season, and even back then I noticed the same thing about Fontana. I'd assumed it was because, after the early ratings were bad, Fontana figured the show was going to be cancelled and his energies would be better spent looking for

I don't understand the CW's strategy, but perhaps they'll keep CEGF going for future streaming service content. That, and maybe the hope of more prestige awards. The ratings truly are abysmal enough that they would normally sink a show, but that applied to the first season as well, and it still got renewed…

I don't watch enough TV these days to tell how much things have changed, but I would hope so!

"For some reason"? Millenials are notorious for not voting — the whole reason for making that video was to get that demographic out to vote for Hillary.

There seems to be some American television law that characters can't even consider abortion, lest they offend conservative viewers. But given how progressive CEGF usually is, I would assume that the reason Paula doesn't even mention it is supposed to be because she's Catholic. In real life, though, I would have

After the inappropriate footsie, I'm totally shipping Rebecca and Paula.

In spite of several good jokes, this episode just didn't click for me. They shot footage in Taiwan, and yet it still had that stilted sound stage feeling — probably because, as others have noted, many scenes WERE shot on sound stages.

Hah, well "North" here is supposed to mean Canada, as in "The True North strong and free". It may seem pretentious to refer to Canada as the True North, but it was Lord Tennyson who originally bestowed the moniker.

I don't know about ranking Josh and Greg — but Paula? When in the pilot, she says she's just as smart as Rebecca, it seemed outrageous — but now that we know her Master Hacker skills, yeah, perhaps not!

He already had feelings, he was aware of those feelings, and he was already jealous of Greg ("Angry! Mad!"). I think what finally made him make his move was breaking up with Valencia and deciding to not be so wishy-washy. Or "a bitch" as Father Bra would say.

Uh, they could easily have had them run into each other at Home Base.

"people who drink a lot, get drunk a lot, even when there is studying to do…"

They were probably originally thinking in terms of 13 episode Showtime seasons, though. They mentioned that the increased order to 18 taxed them to the limit — if they had had to come up with more material the show definitely would have suffered.

I thought that at first — but the odds that everything is going to be smooth sailing for RebJo are zilch and bupkis! Paula's going to keep on giving terrible advice, and then working overtime to patch things up…