
I'm sure he not only parked that thing, he backed it out and parked it again before he was satisfied he'd gotten it right to the end.

And yet, in the end Josh stood up to Valencia (for the second time this season), and also finally made his move for Rebecca.

Remember the party bus? Valencia accused Rebecca of moving to W. Covina for Josh, and Rebecca denied it — and Josh was the ONLY person on the bus who stood up for Rebecca! And he followed it by saying he DIDN'T think she was crazy.

I've seen several people write that they don't see him being an alcoholic, which just blows my mind.

This is one of those reasons I'll torrent a show even if I know I can watch it live…

I have to agree with the other posters — I'm sure the ring has already been retrieved, but yeah, it sorta violates dramatic protocol not to have an on-screen mention of that. It could certainly become an issue again if RebJo ever progress to the engagement stage — but somehow I think RebJo will never make it that far…

Now THAT is funny.

Fascinating — how the same scene can be interpreted differently.

Um, was I the only one who thought that moment was also sad and heartbreaking? Until then I had been hoping (probably against reason) that Rebecca might get a "happy ending" with Josh. But that scene finally convinced me that she probably wouldn't end up with him.

I thought this was a fantastic episode from beginning to end. From literally gasping out loud during Paula's Turn (it lived up to the pre-air hype!) to laughing at the sudden mood change in the tag, I LOVED this episode. I agree with just about everything in Ms. Shoemaker's review — which is why I'm surprised and yet

That's an interesting idea, and might be true — but we're given plenty of other reasons too. The fact that Greg, just a few episodes ago, was warning Josh to stay away from her ("Stay away from her! She WILL outsmart you!"), and now is boffing her? It would clearly look like Greg had been a devious backstabber.

I can't be the only goy who, upon watching this episode, thought it would be hilarious to pretend to be Jewish to get in on this Birthright action — especially so since I'm not white.

Thanks dude.

From a discussion between Champlin and Bloom: which Winnie the Pooh character best represents each CEGF character?

I think drinking in a bar while trying to study is pretty strong evidence of alcoholism!

Nooiiice! But West Covina and its two reprises are like the signature songs of the series for me. It's impossible for me to separate any judgement of the artistic merit of the song itself from its dramatic role in the series.

Yep, pretty much agree with all of that, and I think most of this was set up quite well by the end of the fourth episode — which was why I was initially frustrated at how people could be so completely Team Greg.

Wait, what? I was just shocked that inathanedforme didn't know she was married at this point.

I think the showrunners have explained it as "they've been infected by the Rebecca virus."

What? Urinating after sex is still recommended procedure as far as I know to REDUCE the risk of UTI's, both on WebMD and the Mayo Clinic's website: http://www.mayoclinic.org/d…