
Guys guys guys — according to Bruce's wife, The Warrior was the basis for ABC's Kung Fu. Bruce Lee pitched the idea of a Chinese martial artist in the Old West to Warner Bros., who officially passed on it but then created Kung Fu and cast David Carradine for the lead.

It's bothering me that I can't remember if we've been shown an explanation for Gilfoyle not caring about money. Because otherwise I don't understand his schadenfreude at Dinesh's failure: didn't it mean that Gilfoyle's own shares in Pied Piper would be worthless?

I think you need to Google "differential survival" (AKA "survival of the fittest") because Evolution by Natural Selection is ALL ABOUT survival rates.

That doesn't make much scientific sense to me. Evolution cares about traits that increase your chances of reproducing, or — debatably — those that help your genes get further passed along (e.g., protecting your offspring, etc.). Dying painlessly doesn't seem like it would help with either of those.

Well, I would love for them to find a Make America Great Again cap in the rubble…

Yes, that's why I said "Magical". :-) We also don't get an explanation of how automobiles can be kept running after the Apocalypse. For that matter, we don't even know if there was an Apocalypse.

It saddens me when people think Iron Fist or Walker Texas Ranger have good martial arts scenes. I guess some people have yet to see a Hong Kong martial arts film.

Dude, that was due to Magical Chi Power when a supermonk grabbed some wiring. I don't think it's the same as someone flipping a switch…

Are we watching the same show? Because it clearly depicts a feudal society, with Clippers being the warriors and the Cogs, serfs. The rulers are even called Barons, for crying out loud.

I don't recall any instance where they've discussed IN SHOW why there are no guns. The showrunners, in fact, said they deliberately avoided any mention of them. During the first season — where we didn't even have any evidence if this was supposed to take place in our universe — I just accepted the show as a fantasy. I

This has bothered me. Not as bad as Britta getting lobotomized on Community, but still bad. It hurts because Bloom actually commented during the first season something to the effect that "…Rebecca helps Josh realize he isn't stupid, something that others have been telling him his whole life." It was one of the things

Perhaps it would have been confusing to viewers if they used browser extensions? That's how I always do it.

Wow, do you remember the source for that info?

Ratings Update Update: Last night's episode reached a season high — a rating/share of 0.3/1 and 650K viewers. Still not up to the average number of viewers for Season 1 (1M), but good news in light of the move to Fridays.

They were just too effective at making me hate the hubby in the first place for me to accept a later redemptive arc. "It's been five years since I've made love without the TV on…and ten years since somebody held my hand!"

So, does anyone know the name of the song that Maya and Darryl do their dance to? Because I definitely wanna practice those fresh moves.

Wrong or not, I'm shipping them too. And to be honest, last season while watching "I'm So Happy That Josh Is So Happy" with Paula contemplating adultery with Calvin "My White Wife Is Dead" Young, I was totally hoping Paula would go through with it.

Late to the discussion, but I'm surprised everyone is assuming that the Captain must be the lead. "Number One" usually refers to a ship's Executive Officer or XO — usually the second-in-command, and usually someone younger and less experienced than the commanding officer or CO. In the first pilot for TOS ("The Cage"),

Funny. I've always heard that Shatner got to direct V because his contract had the equivalent of a Most Favored Nation clause: whatever Nimoy got, Shatner was supposed to get too. After Nimoy got to direct III and IV, Shatner allegedly insisted that meant he was entitled to also direct an entry.