
I should have specified: he has backpfeifengesicht _in that scene_. Because of his attitude.

Greg has backpfeifengesicht: A face that begs to be punched.

Oh, I also have to say I envy the writers on this show, and Bloom must be a great boss. I think Gregor makes the FOURTH writer or writer's assistant who has got to act on the show! Father Brah, Crazy Water Expert, Camp Girl Who Clotheslines Rebecca, and now Standup Doctor are all part of the show's Writers' Room. So

A Public Service Announcement: To avoid UTIs, women should immediately pee after P-in-V. That this is not common knowledge (for both men and women) shows the totally inadequate nature of North American sex ed. And yeah — men should know about UTIs too. Which is one of the reasons I wanted to punch Greg in the face

It just astounds me that guys can be sexually active and not know about UTIs. Though perhaps this whole episode is an illustration of the inadequacy of American sex education.

Up until that point, I wanted to punch him out.

I think she's also explained it started before she met him — that there were so many Daniel's at one Jewish camp they all started calling each other by their last names.

You've been watching this show and HAVEN'T googled her yet?

Yeah — I mean, his dick can hold a lot?

Speaking of gaining weight during a season, or Shatnering (I'm going to make that term happen), Ms. Bloom sang about it last night on Colbert:

Uh, no, because in Canada we don't use the Mason-Dixon line to decide what is "North." For example, "The True North strong and free" in our anthem refers to our country (taken from Tennyson), not the area that includes Massachusetts!

I had a brain fart about the wedding dress part. After Rebecca put it on, I thought "What is she talking about, she looks super hot in it!" I didn't realize the problem was that other women would think she looks super "slutty" in it. And I guess a lot of guys too.

About Heavy Boobs: I found it funny, but it still surprises me that other guys can find this "hot." I thought the video was an example of making pain into comedy. Bloom's videos all have a boner-killing moment, but the boner-killer came really early in this video for me: when Rebecca seems in pain and says "I can't

I didn't want to bring this up, but now that you have… I think it's a natural problem for actors filming an hour-long network show. Crazy long hours during filming combined with the constant availability of craft services = gradual weight gain during a season. I call it Shatnering.

You said that perfectly.

I've gotta strongly disagree. One thing that struck me about the Hawaii episode was how it was the first time that Rebecca was showing actual cleavage at the office. The level of cleavage display in the show seems pretty situation-appropriate, especially compared to other network tv.

Absolutely. Dudez are missing out on some gems. I have to say that her funniest videos often are the ones with the worst boner-killers, like Jazz Fever.

Even as a guy, I got sympathy pain as soon as Rachel says "I can't run real far". Classic Bloom humour.

Call me old-fashioned, but I think gaslighting someone to make them subliminally like you has limits, haha. Namely, that it only works in rom-coms. Which is probably one of the points CEGF is making — all these schemes and plans to win Josh were not good decisions! And unfortunately, Josh now knows she not only has

Are you quite sure about that? It looks like they only have 5 episodes right now.