
I wasn't worried about the ratings because the show's already been renewed, but… ugh, it's been reported as a series low, 0.2/1. (That looks like a tie with the party episode, but that's due to rounding.) Total viewers have also decreased for the last four episodes. AAARRRGH!


Thanks for the info! It looks like GIMP would require me to capture individual frames to assemble into a GIF, instead of converting a video clip. Yikes! But I guess assembling frames would probably produce the best quality GIF.

In case anyone's wondering, I'm pretty sure it was the Vulture TV Podcast. And I think she questioned whether anyone actually enjoys 69 in real-life during the podcast, so the reference in this episode was perhaps a bit meta. Or perhaps just another chance to express her real opinion on the matter.

I would have loved the theatre thing, but I think they deliberately made Rebecca a not-good singer to avoid making her too much of a clone of the real-life Rachel Bloom. I guess she could find some other arts-related passion.

Question for theater people: While applauding during the tag, Dr. Akopian/Dream Ghost yells out "Work!"

"The middle-aged ladies really dig Greg!" Probably my favourite meta call-out of several meta lines in the episode. Is Team Greg happy to be called out?

They set that up, but it could be a fakeout. Because during the Moby Dick sequence, Dr. Akopian says the love she seeks doesn't need to be from a man — it can be from her passion (e.g. for theater). But argh who knows, it could take her another season of chasing Greg to come to that realization for good…

Bryan Cranston said basically the same thing in a podcast — at one point he ended up making out with a superhot theater major who turned out to be a trans woman.

Dude, we need to remember that they renewed a show that was the LOWEST RATED ON NETWORK TV. Let's give Mr. Pedowitz of the CW some credit.

I can't help feeling that if she'd confessed about her feelings after the kiss, Josh would have made a totally different decision. Yet another consequence of her dishonesty.

It was about UTIs. And the most horrifying thing about that story was how several male execs had never even heard the term UTI. Yet more evidence that you need women in the writers room.

May I ask what software you use? I've tried using some free websites like imgflip, but you get really low quality GIFs with watermarks.

I'm pretty sure she was joking about the fact the writers often generate more backstory than ever makes it to the final cut. For example, the library book story from the Thanksgiving episode. I think in this case there's no way they wrote a full alien play script — not with the time pressure they usually have with

I'm afraid she's also said that the day Rebecca is completely "cured" is the day the show is over!

She likes KALE salads. So she is THE WORST.

Frick, I just rewatched the preview — and a flight attendant puts her hand through the therapist's chest, ghost-style. Uh, so yeah, maybe they aren't there at all!

I have to go with LooseBaggyMonster on this one. In law school you absolutely learn about leaseholds with respect to real property, and Rebecca is a specialist in commercial property, where leases would come up all the time. But after the last two episodes, I guess I've adapted to this problem…