
Ah yes, your second example is probably the closest they've gotten to showing that something goes on in real life during the musical numbers — but I'm talking about the kind of joke where someone imagines they are a fantastic dancer and singer in their head, while the reality is quite different.

I think that's a reference to the interpretation that all the musical numbers are in Rebecca's mind — or in other people's minds as they get infected with the Rebecca Love Virus.

I've been trying to come up with a term — Bloompression; Rachelgloom? — to describe the feeling straight men get when they discover Rachel Bloom is already married.

I think it may be because Rachel Bloom herself has compared Rebecca to Walter White in several interviews, specifically calling her "a bubbly Walter White." But yeah, while they may both be examples of leads who are self-deluded and do immoral things, I only root for the one who doesn't cause hundreds of people to die!

Thanks for the link! I had just assumed they were talking about Chinese-style donuts. The versions I've seen in Canada have tended to be covered in granular sugar instead of being glazed, and are sold in Chinese bakeries, not Chinese restaurants; I had no idea that was a California thing. Another great example of

To put things into perspective though, Rebecca's actions, unlike Walter White's, don't result in the deaths of literally hundreds of people.

I think one of the reasons she's my first celebrity crush is the fact that she's done so many podcast interviews. Nowadays there are few other interview situations where you get to listen to the interviewee talk for an entire hour, and go beyond prepared publicity soundbites.

I don't know if they did rewrite the ending, but it seemed other people were theorizing that; I was just pointing out that they would have had the time to do so if they had wanted to.

About whether this episode (13) was originally intended as the season finale: According to one of Donna Lynne Champlin's tweets, yes, it was — but they then got the additional episode order less than a week prior [to filming, I think].

Ooo, that would have to end with Rebecca trying to disrupt their wedding, a la The Graduate. [Rebecca pounds on church door] "Josh! Josh!"

I hear you. I started thinking it would have been better if they had used a musical number to represent the trial!

I don't want to comment on California law (because I know nothing about it), but class certification is usually the first step in a class action suit — getting the court to recognize a class of potential plaintiffs (e.g., everyone harmed by Greater City Water stealing water). It would normally happen WAY ahead of

Right from ep. 4, they've written BOTH Josh and Greg to have things in their favour and against. Josh: sees only the good in Rebecca, but dumb. Greg: Gets Rebecca, but as filled with self-loathing and almost as self-destructive as she is.


Which is going to give weight to their inevitable breakup. It's enough to make me feel sorry for her.

I guess I'm the only guy who liked the rap but was disappointed in the Les Mis parody. Perhaps it's because just a few weeks ago I saw that Galavant ALSO had a Les Mis parody with a much stronger melody.

Agree on those moments of self-reflection. But the flashbacks I seem to recall from last night were all moments where Audra caused the flashback; I can't remember any with Trent. In other words, she recognized the problem with her work-consumed self, but not her love-obsessed self.

I've suspected for a while now that the most vocal Team Greg people are really the people who just personally find Mr. Fontana more attractive that Mr. Rodriguez. Which is why I wish they would just ease off instead of injecting into every thread why Rebecca "really should be with Greg." Greg's got a ways to go before

Originally it referred to a man whose wife was having sex with someone else.

Well, I didn't want to say anything, but as an ex-lawyer I had to turn
that part of my brain off even more than the last episode. There were a
whole bunch of procedural hurdles about a class action suit (class
certification, etc.) that were completely ignored — perhaps because the writers knew that would take months