
The tension leading up to that kiss was amazing, and well-done through camera angles. My only complaint is how quickly they stepped on the happiness with Greg's arrival — because we know things have to get ugly from here on in.

"Cuckold" doesn't mean what you think it means…

Unfortunately, each state's bar exam will usually include sections that test law specific to that state. That's why in the summer after graduating law school, law students will usually take a bar exam preparation course specifically for the state they intend to practice in.

These statements about Josh being a bit of dick for saying that everyone's "into him"? I think in the world of CEGF, this is just a simple statement of fact! Like Valencia's lament "Why does everyone try to have sex with me?", I don't think these are meant to show that the characters are being arrogant — instead it is

YES, she would have to get certified. But no, she could not just get certified online — she would have to take some form of the California bar exam!

Oh, yes, I'm sure they made a deliberate decision that "He smells like karate" was simply funnier than "He smells like Tae Kwon Do." I was just being pedantic.

It's funny you say that, because the ending of WFRR actually made me sad. People forget that it depicts a brighter, alternate world where the automobile companies don't triumph, and instead of traffic- and pollution-choked freeways, everyone can "ride the Red Car for a nickel."

Don't think about it too hard, too too hard —

I think it's inevitable that his character arc will eventually start winding back to good guy, but like Rebecca earlier, being frustrated in love (and with his job, and his life in general) has driven him off the deep end.

I'm glad someone finally mentioned Chinatown. Unfortunately, it's a movie I've never got around to seeing so I can't comment on it.

After the last three episodes — which I thought all hit pretty intense emotional highs, and advanced the story — I did think this episode was a bit of a letdown, even though I enjoyed it. But I'm hoping the next episode redeems this episode's setup.

I thought that was funny (because it subverts the usual TV stereotype of the loser Asian dude) and, in retrospect, totally appropriate given his backstory. It provides a relatively simple explanation as to why he's willing to give Rebecca a second chance, while a normal guy would stay the frak away from her.

This struck home for me because I'm doing daily 16-hour fasts, and 8pm really is my snack cutoff time.

Am I the only one who thinks Asshole Greg is HILARIOUS Greg?

[in a Seinfeld voice] They're not small.

It's been a while since I read the NY Times article, but I remember the answer was — money The show has a limited budget. Bloom wanted more people for the pool scene. If they had an unlimited budget, it wouldn't surprise me if sooner or later we had an episode with an Esther Williams-style synchronized swimming scene!

Dude, the whole joke is that in much of America, Josh WOULD be called Asian Josh, because for much of America, white is the "default".

I bought the Google Play versions to get better quality (320 kbps MP3), but realized too late that they are the non-explicit versions. Which wasn't a disaster, as I've already bought the explicit ones I wanted on iTunes, but this might be a consideration for others.

I'm not sure about the reasoning, but one thing I can say about the Mortal Kombat tournament: those e-athletes won't smell like karate. Or if they do, it will be for the wrong reasons.

This is embarassing to admit, but I didn't notice the shattered glass design of the chandelier until a second viewing. Hollywood art departments are really good.