
Holy Crap, I was reminded of the exact same thing. Didn't bother mentioning it because I assumed you'd need to be either GenX or Boomer to remember that.

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I totally feel you, buddy. Any objectivity I had with this show probably went out the window a long time ago.

I think we must be watching different shows, because I'm not familiar with half of your examples. And Apu — are you seriously referencing a cartoon character, who was voiced by a white guy?

I can barely remember, but I seem to recall there was no real denouement, even though it was clear she liked him.

I do, even if that desire is irrational. Part of it is because we virtually never get to see an Asian guy get the girl on U.S. TV (is The Walking Dead the only example?), and part of it is because I identify strongly with Rebecca's situation. The heart wants what the heart wants, not what other people tell you you

"He smells like karate and I love it."
"Copy that."
Those lines were hilarious, but [pushes glasses up nose with index finger] karate is not the same thing as Tae Kwon Do.

Greg Burke. One of my favourite things about Bloom's Youtube videos was seeing him keep showing up.

Of course it will come back — the comedic Rule of Three — but dunno if it'll make it this season. We would be expecting it too much.

We really need to do a poll. Because I think there are actually people who've never had an obsessive crush/unrequited love/case of limerence, or whatever you want to call it.

The easiest way to predict who will win an Emmy is just to look at what won the previous year. They'll give awards to the same shows/actors year after year, long after they've been eclipsed by better and newer shows. They're super lazy ass old fogeys who stick to their favourites like a bunch of retirees — which most

I would have preferred that Jobs rise from below, bathed in red light.

I envy you. Not about the unrequited love (you're not alone, kiddo), but about Champlin.

Everyone roots for lovers.

I would have liked that scene more if they'd stuck with the more realistic strategems and hadn't gone so quickly to zany. In this case less would have been funnier. "Witness protection" was like jumping the shark.

No. But I say that because I consider the term "bitch" so strong that I've never used it in anger against a woman. Though you could substitute "shit" as a gender-neutral way to express your self-loathing.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Rene Gube and Heelan were a couple. I always thought Rene should have been the male lead on that show and not just a writer.

I thought the whole girl band was great, but yeah, Lulu was a standout; if Hollywood were fair, she could go far.

That's an interesting take on it. I thought West Covina is basically the "Rebecca's Love For Josh Theme." Not only have we had the two reprises, instrumental versions are played when Rebecca is on her way to meet Josh ("Josh and I Are Good People"), or when the two have a romantic moment together (e.g., Rebecca gives