
Wow, missed that about Martindale! I guess I need to use a new example. OK, The Wire never won an Emmy! Now that's criminal!

CEG has been getting lots of critical praise and even think pieces on its feminism and racial diversity. I would assume the CW ordered extra episodes not just because of hopes that its ratings would improve, but also because of network prestige and branding, especially if the show manages to win some awards.

Hear the band playing in my heart! My new life is about to start! True happiness is so near…

I second this. I'm hoping this week's cross-promotion with Dr. Phil will give a ratings bump. I couldn't stand it if this is another show that fails mainly on account of its title.

Guys, did you not get the line in the pilot when Paula says to Rebecca at the party: "I wish I had been as brave…when I was your age." From the way Donna Lynne Champlin read that line, I'm betting that we'll eventually find out Paula is trying to help Rebecca win the love Paula didn't get earlier in her life. She

"No, not Greg! Josh!" I feel your pain, Paula. I loved practically everything about this episode, but now I'm worried the show is going to repeatedly try to rebalance the love triangle. How much can an audience be expected to take in one season?

I'm hoping we eventually get a flashback to her backstory — which I assume is her losing out on the love of her life.

Yep, I'm in Canada and I couldn't find the tracks on iTunes, Amazon.ca, or Google Play, though Google Play did have Bloom's earlier albums (I bought "Please Love Me").

A good article, Kenneth, with a particular focus on the Youtube aspect of her success. I've been reading about her on the Interwebs and listening to her podcasts, and she seems to be both smart and driven about her career in a way I've rarely seen.

I agree in this case. The broadcast version of I'm A Good Person has an agreeable goofiness, but the uncensored version just seems downright mean-spirited. I laughed out loud at the "Screw YOU!" ending, but I thought "F*ck you!" was not an improvement.

Damn, I totally did not catch that! Good observation. I should have remembered because the rom-com basketball discussion was directly spoofed in They Came Together.

Absolutely, and those of Gen X or older may remember that Jimmy Carter was roasted alive for quoting this exact reference, even though it should be fundamental Christian belief.

Yep, someone posted that shocking statistic in the What's On Tonight thread. And also that Supergirl has more men over 50 watching than it does 18-49 females!

The actor, Vincent, has answered this question himself. IIRC his character was originally Josh Chang on the call sheet, but after getting cast he asked that it be changed to Chan to reflect his own Filipino background. That doesn't mean — as the rest of you have pointed out correctly — that Josh wouldn't have some

That would be the usual rom-com explanation — that she cares in particular what Greg thinks about her because she likes him. But I think Bloom herself, in talking about this episode, said that in real life she cares WAY too much in general about what other people think of her, and Rebecca is showing the same neurosis.

I agree with giving this episode the highest rating so far, but I also laughed the least while watching this one — because I've been empathizing probably a bit too much with the Rebecca character, and was too horrified to laugh at numbers like "Sex With A Stranger"!

Hmm, I wouldn't want a whole show based on their early years — but I would definitely love some episodes or flashbacks depicting them. I always get a kick out of actors being obviously too old for the role they are playing.

Web Download or webrip — pirate lingo for something downloaded or streamed from the web instead of captured from the network broadcast. Often based on the iTunes download, so there are no horrendous network logos and promos during the episode.

Yikes, that sucks. Yet another reason to watch WEB-DL — er, iTunes versions!

On a language note, while I don't want to get into a tiresome political debate (in Taiwan, language is inextricably linked with identity politics), you can safely assume that whenever the Huangs speak Chinese on this show, they're speaking the Mandarin dialect of Chinese, which they refer to as Guo Yu (National