August Personage

Agreed, but some of that speculation is genuinely entertaining and creative stuff. I just don't necessarily believe any of it either.

Making fun of Silicon Valley venture capitalists and their shitty ideas of re-inventing already existing products but adding wifi is a public service. Especially since we'll most likely have to bail the smug cocksuckers out once their obvious bubble collapses.

No, it won't, but at least I wouldn't be alone in my anger.

It's good to see the libertarian "markets are always right" backlash. I just wish it didn't take until the past few year for it to come about.

But, then I would have to chew like some plebeian scum. We can't have that!

Don't worry, the robots that will replace them will be rainbow colored.

That was an enjoyable read.

I remember watching the first one when it hit HBO and thinking, "This is a dumb movie" and still somehow liking it.

Star Trek fans have long contended that there is the best films in the original series were even-numbered

Do the people in Silicon Valley know they're in the late stages of a bubble market? Basically we're just waiting on Uber or Twitter, etc to finally burn through their cash (esp Uber) to burst the whole thing.

August Personage
14 mins ago
Rectal Temp is 98.7 !

Why does it need to be Wi-Fi enabled? Man, I don't even understand that question. Are you suggesting that there are things that don't need Wi-Fi???? WTF?????? What are we, animals?

I was going to write the same thing. I'm not sure how they're seeing the series as empty or shallow, especially season 2.

My morning commute used to regularly take me through Time Square. I was coming in late one morning circa 2000 and was standing on the corner of 47th and 8th waiting for the traffic to clear. Next to me was a family of four that was very obviously from out of town. The daughter, a tween, raised her arm, pointed and

What? No Anker products?

Elwood's almost SRO 1 room in Blues Brothers

Lost somewhere in the middle of the never-ending New York-Chicago pizza

The former Gawker sites seem to be on a 1 per hour or maybe 1 every 2 hours rate

How is this a thing to celebrate? I know I'm old an all, but no one gave a shit about how many smoke rings you could blow with real cigarettes, so why care about (much less write a GQ article) its simulation?

Just get a raspberry pi or a RetroPi kit, cheaper and more versatile