August Personage

Why does everything associated with "gamers" have the same level of taste as a magpie? There have to be some out there who want tasteful and refined rather than LEDs covering every possible surface

Well, the good news is soon you will have no choice and Google Home will be installed on any new appliance, electronics device, cookware, toaster, rice cooker, or vacuum cleaner so you will no longer have to wonder why. Just remember to speak clearly at all times so Google Home can better know your needs.

But everything needs to be connected, because …. IOT and …. reasons.

How have I never seen that?


Baldwin has a show on NPR called Here's The Thing which has just an awesome list of guests. All sorts of interesting people. A few years ago I was driving and it came on. My general experience with Baldwin up until then was he was in Glen Gary and then a bunch of movies i didn't care about. I think Sean Penn was the

Charlie Mingus? Man, that cat already knows how to use the potty.

No. We did have one of these for our 4 cats. It worked great, 3 of the cats used it without problems but the 4th cat wouldn't, which meant I had to leave out a litter box for that 4th which ultimately defeated the purpose of the self cleaner litter box.
I heroically offered to my wife that we get rid of that 4th cat as

Maybe NJ/NY/CT/PA are the outliers then. It would be pretty much the reverse of CA.

Wow. I must be getting old. I had no idea Mtn. Dew was popular with teens. It wasn't when I was a teen.

or Wisconsin

I thought it was supposed to be some sort of fruit punch flavor they were going for. They may not have gotten there, but that is what they trying.

Dr Pepper is pretty much a niche product in the US as well. You can usually get it in supermarkets but lots of fast food places don't carry it, same with vending machines, etc. This may be different in the US South though.
I don't think the knock-offs should be a testament Dr Pepper's popularity. They're almost all

As an EC/NY/NJ native I would have to agree, both on calling it a pie and making fun of anyone who did not know that.

Yeah, I'll second that.
Domino's, Pizza Hut, Little Caesar's, Papa John's, etc. there's almost no difference from Digiorno's, none of them are cheap either.
Disclosure: Born in NYC living in NJ now; there are at least 17 local pizza joints within 3 miles of my house without going to a national franchise, so I may not

/Checks wardrobe.
Brooks Brothers - check
J Press - check
J Crew - check

Is there some way to hasten the end of nerd culture?

I remember this happening and the overwhelming weirdness of it as the 'news' followed Cunanan's killing spree across the country. God the late 90's were a really fucked up time in America.

I suppose it is factually correct…. just ….. you know…… crappy.