August Personage

Video is blocked here at work, but I'm going to guess at some point Oliver shouts something like, "No, character X, you can't do that!"
He's so wacky.

Jesus….. I just remembered what the dorms were like when this came out. It never stopped playing

All he wanted was a Pepsi.

I'm not going to check either but I fear it is

For a while (say 2001-2004) it was a pretty good content aggregator and had some very funny commentors.

Yes. Photoshop Friday and Your Band Sucks were pretty good.

God. I remember the kerfuffle when they started charging for forum access. I was never a goon either, just because I'm not a joiner type. Also, a lot of goons seemed unpleasant people

From, roughly, 2001-2003 it was pretty damn good.

I have not read SA since about 2004. I'm amazed the site is still going and generating traffic.

I have to admit I had completely forgotten about both The Gossip and Beth since… oh, 2009.

I may not know much, but I do know no man would shave his back by candle light.

Two hours? They've been at it since the late 70's

Will this be used to improve the "suggested" titles? Because, I don't know if anyone else has noticed it, NetFlix isn't any good with its suggestions.

Did people? I remember Ellen coming out and not a single person I knew cared at all. We were certainly told lots of people freaked out by various media outlets at the time but I didn't know anyone who cared.

I'm on Episode 5. It's a very well told story so far, but one that I suspect may not be actually going anywhere.
Also, John seems amusing for about 5 mins at a time, after that I fear he would have become and exhausting narcissistic drain of energy.

Yes, yes they did.

I thought Aardman Animations produced Chicken Run and Dreamworks only did the distribution?

Odd. The Logitech Harmony Ultimate has a remote and an app. Presumably the app just controls the IR emitter on the remote which, in turn, controls the TV. At that point though, why bother with the remote? Just create the app, connect the phone to a IR emitter in front of the TV via bluetooth and done.
Saves time,

No Country for Dentistry

Hello southern person! I had to look up what Harris Teeter was as I had never heard of it.