August Personage

Why aren't we using this image for Corgan?

Yes, or it was, not too sure anymore.

I remember when I first heard about the Flat Earth Society when I was a kid in the late 70's. At the time it was apparent that it was a joke and none of the members were taking it seriously.
What happened that the joke became serious? Or has it? Do most of the members still view it as a joke and we're subjected to

But we never got rid of those.

Or the collapse of the small American farmer, the acceleration of the demise of American manufacturing or Kajagoogoo.

Yeah , I've heard that exact sentiment from a number of people in their 20's. I then try to explain how painfully bad the 80's were to actually live through.

I applaud and agree with this sentiment

AV Club I perfectly understand covering a DuckTales reboot, it was the coverage in Vanity Fair and Giz, etc that caught my eye.
Reading up; Apparently DuckTales is one of the launch programs for the Disney XD channel which might explain Disney's push behind this.

When hasn't nostalgia been popular asked the man who grew up on 70's TV filled with Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, Sha Na Na, etc.
I'm happy they're restarting the show, my daughter will love it. But is the amount of coverage I've been seeing natural or Disney on a buying spree?

I know Duck Tales is beloved and all, and the NES game was great, but the amount of coverage that the new show is generating (and not just here) is perplexing. How much has Disney thrown at this to buy articles in Vanity Fairy, Giz, AV, etc

Eichmann then?

Has Metallica become such a toothless nostalgia act that 10yr old regularly show up at their gigs?

Yeah. Even though Giuliani too credit for it the Times Square clean up started in earnest under the Koch administration

No. If it were a dinner though …..

I'd agree, but in this case I feel slightly less sympathy for someone who named their band that in their mid-20's after quiting a job as an accountant.

Indeed. It was glorious for far longer than most places though.

It also ignores whatever you tell it about reboot times when you do find the scheduler, so it doesn't make much of a difference.

Is "Waaargh, look at me!" really an aesthetic though?

We have 4, I could probably drop them off at your place before the wife notices.

Charlie, they took my cat!