August Personage

I like the one where the use the holodeck to go to a GG Allin show

For those interested NakedCapitalism had a fairly extensive series last year looking at Uber, its economics and how it will inevitably fail. Part 1 is below;

That and the impression given that Coulier is such a cocksman he left her devastated

Oh, yay. Diablo Cody and Alanis.

I absolutely agree, the problem comes when manufacturers remove the option for you and *only* start manufacturing smart devices. Ones that don't function properly until you connect and register them. I had this experience with an LG tv recently. Unless I wanted to go with a 20 inch TV the only models were smart and LG

I'll second this. I spent a long time 'not liking the Dead' only to realize it was a certain type of Dead fan I couldn't stand and the band and music were ok.
I'd also agree on the albums as well. Hell, I don't need anything more than a Best of… for the Dead.

A rabid wild dog attack would have been nice too

They were English Majors, not Journalism Majors, guh!

I am familiar with that section of highway, it is miserable.

I'm not old, I'm only 37!

oh…. my.

That would line up with my memory as well. The show was really only great for about 3-4 seasons, they were very very good seasons though.

MicroProse manuals were awesome. The ones from M1, Tank Platoon and F-15 Strike Eagle III were around 200 pages and filled with info on the plane/tank

Does this mean we aren't going to get the Sprockets movie we had been hoping for?

He could be eating at Dorsia and it would still be horrible.
It's him, everything about him. His loathsome flame shirts, jorts and shitty Camaro, because of course he would drive tarted up baby boomer nostalgia.

He's a bloated annoying braying ass who tells America that perpetual suspended adolescence is great.
Is the quality of the food good? Who cares as long as there is a lot and you can smother it in some kind of sauce.
Fuck him.

Is it flavor town?

Guy Fieri, the living breathing embodiment of late Imperial America.
I'll be glad when both are done

I've never read Puddle of Mudd lyrics before and had no idea they were that stupid even without spellfucker.

There is the chance we get back local radio stations with actual DJs who play music they have picked and not that a database and payola has approved.
They get a massive bailout and tax breaks as a distressed industry.