August Personage

It's weird, I've read the novel and seen the movie but I can't remember anything about the movie.

Just get Zhang Yimou or Tarsem Singh or Ang Lee to direct it if you want visual style then. The Wachowskis aren't really that unique.

Shot of girl in gauzy white dress in slow motion on a swing. Cut to a close up shot of Elephant tree leaf glistening and green in the tropical sun, rain drops begin to strike it. Cut to a shot of a mans face filling 1/3 of the frame. It's slack and expressionless, drops of sweat forming on his brow. Cut back to girl

We have dated very different Catholic girls.

Agreed, especially that last few lines congratulating him on taking the chance even if it didn't succeed. That's important

Yeah, that about sums it up.

She should see a doctor about that. Chlamydia is serious business.

You have chosen wisely

Kids would have been my choice as well

I will second this recommendation and also note Tom Sizemore is awesome in a small role in this as is Val Kilmer in an even smaller role.
Honestly, if you have not seen this I'm not sure if you're a fully formed human

Thank you. I remember when it came out and was very obviously being marketed as "Hey you Gen-X kids! Here's a movie just for you!". My reaction then, and now, was "fuck you".

Not a single vote for Kids?

They already make that, it's called a Camry

Does your penis have a 4 star Euro NCAP rating too?

Much better than Ford's 1978 Aluminum Exploding Inevitable.

Why…. that's just….. disgusting…. I don't even know what sort of search terms you would use to find Zan and Jayna porn, but I may need to research it for the …. uh …. BlueCoat corporate filter…..

Fuck - I'd watch that

Wonder twin powers activate! Take the form of, 1 sad man…… :(

My only familiarity with the Justice League leads me to believe this will also include Zan and Jayna, correct?

Does Eichner have anything beyond that angry Billy on the Street type character?
Its funny to me for a bit, and then much less so. I'd like to like this guy but I just can't deal with the character for very long so I'm hoping he has great range and maybe he's being typecast.