August Personage

Midlife crisis Vader; I like that.
Was he listening to Damn Yankees while cruising or Zep?

… … Maybe Vader wasn't so good at the whole 'force' thing like we've been told.

Not to mention his men have the tactical sense of 5 year olds. Seriously; Breach, Bang and Clear, don't just all run in at the same time like a bunch of a-holes.

I vaguely recall it starting quiet and getting very shouty about a 1/4 of the way in. I did see this about 10 years ago and I've since gotten very old so I could be confusing it with something else.

I know I've seen Crash but I'll be damned if i can remember any of it.

This one?

hmmm….. I'm going to say pink eye…. or something else that is certainly contagious.
Danzig, why couldn't you find a nice girl for the album cover!

I prefer the Tricky Dicky Screwdriver;
It's one part Jack Daniels, two parts purple kool aid
And a jigger of formaldehyde from the jar with Hitler's brain we got in the back storeroom.

Mustard seeds only though

No, it's not. It's been produced by Sesame Workshop since 2000 and Children's Television Workshop prior to that. CTW was partly funded by CPB at their outset, but that was 1968.

I am the father of a 9 year old with autism who will almost certainly never be able to live on her own. You have no idea how angry the self-diagnosed types make me.

Just cron the reboots

ICP coverbands

If its either the Wegmans in Ocean Township or Woodbridge, I have been in on Sundays which made me decide to do all my shopping either before 10AM or after 7 PM.

"Zion Curtain"….. wtf…….

The muffins are good too, although you have to buy 2 six packs, which is a lot.

Aisle 10

Ugh, or the people who come to a dead stop and the very top or bottom of the escalators in the Port Authority bus terminal.

They are very wide, but still not quite wide or long enough to fit the 600 pack of toilet paper or 80 lb bag of kitty liter my wife always buys

It is a conditioned unconscious reflex to block other people.