August Personage

I should add that I don't find Whole Foods clientele to be much different in terms of their ignorance, self absorption, or girth. They just tend to be holding different car keys and have slightly more of an entitlement complex.
Wegman's shoppers are of course the salt of the earth as the store is flawless.

Per MarketWatch Costco is the largest wine retailer in the country;

NJ doesn't allow it either. This article was to first indication I had that Costco sold alcohol.
They also have a nice car buying program which I used to purchase my Volvo

They never had any of those to begin with. You think too highly of your fellow Costco shoppers. They are fat, self absorbed, waddling, "me me me" baby boomer pieces of shit judging by my local Costco.

But if you're an angry loner what would you be buying in bulk?

It is, they won't.

I would have gone w/ Irish Catholic, Polish or even Italian working class.

pffft…. Next you'll be telling us to write batch files like some sort of common animal

Why not go real and have Mark dead from a opiod OD

Heroin OD if I remember right

Dear lord…. did we just discover a new porn genre? I didn't think that was possible

Is it me or does the picture for this Newswire have really off color temperatures? Or did the original series look like this too?

The more frames the bigger your penis becomes

True. He's aped so many different directors/styles it can be hard to keep track.

None of this will be unfamiliar for anyone who suffered through the era when all English-language crime movies were aping Tarantino or Ritchie

No, really they don't.

Tumble Leaf is quite popular in my house.

You know, that's a fair point.

Also, Barfly and a surprising amount of MST3K experiments.

I'd never heard of the Dollop before, now I have to listen. Thanks !