August Personage

Tom Monaghan, who founded the company but i don't believe has anything to do with it anymore, is loopy.
Edit: I remember not only the stories about his super-Catholic beliefs but also helping fund the Contras in the mid-80s.

The last time I ate Domino's pizza was circa 1998. I still see no reason to change that

You are correct. Gibney was the Doc and Wright's book was excerpted in the New Yorker

Wright writes well (hah !).

I read Wright's article in the New Yorker and saw his documentary, but for an EVIL CULT, Scientology is pretty meh.
Sure it's controlling, etc, etc, etc, but so are lots of other strict sects, many as bad or worse and they don't have cottage industries devoted to denouncing them.
In summation; until Scientology starts

DuckTales Remastered? I bought that for my daughter for the 360 and its great.

My dislike for Fieri, and everything he embodies in American culture, was bad enough without having to know that he has a denim Chef coat.

I haven't seen any problems at all (seriously). Is it browser related?

Its more that just the links that are broken, it looks like the text is Borked too as I can't select any of it

She had one of her hands replaced years ago with the Hand of Vecna*. I would fear the effects of clapping as well

Carlos, keep in mind this is 5 1/2 hours and multiple languages. Great performances and good insight

He wouldn't be on Christian Mingle though, try jdate

… …. hey, that's a fair point. You'd think they would be encouraging him.

I am not sure either, although I have only ever seen 1/3 of a single episode and may not be the best authority on the subject

I'll not sit idly by while the simply dignity, nay majesty, of the oatmeal raisin cookie is ignored!

Oh dear lord, please don't give that knucklehead any ideas. He'll convince himself he's a drow after that.

The same. I loved the first Wizardry and liked the Ultimas, something about this made me never want to touch JRPGs again.

$75,000? Georgia Pacific couldn't pony up any more than that?

I'm surprised my brother in law isn't into this. He's a moon-landing faker, a 9-11 truther*, UFOlogist, etc. all the while claiming to love science even when he clearly doesn't understand empiricism.
I'd send him the link but really don't think I can put up with this added to the list of stupidly crazy "please pay

Is it really that slow of a day? There's been a full 10 years worth of Youtube videos on how to make the ratatouille from Ratatouille.