August Personage

Did you ever get to see it?

I know there are some people that love it. I don't mind it in certain settings (I'm playing Age of Empires currently) this just killed JRPGs for me.
I loved Phantasy Star and liked Final Fantasy, but the grinding combined with derivative narrative structure just killed it for me.


The original Dragon Warrior for the NES is the game that convinced me I didn't like JRPGs.

Here's me thinking that 1800 a day was a lot

Make it a day with no cats and I'll through in for the beer

Same here. Large portions of the media have become unconsumable.

I had one in my backyard in suburban NJ a few months ago. Wild turkeys are no longer the rarities (at least in the `burbs) that they used to be 20-30 years ago.

Maybe they wanted cuddles. Tiny adorable bunny cuddles*.
Think of the opportunity you passed up.

Nah, its ritual for ritual's sake. Obvs Catholic

Am I the only one that feels somewhat bad for this kid?
I mean; he's not that bright, but that's ok, you can still be a good person. Super indulged by parents with enough money to hide their kids away from the world. Most likely never challenged or faced by any form of want. He's a quasi formed entity with a large

painlessly sterilize 90% of the human population

Like submitting their record/book collection for review?

How do otherwise smart people fall for a catfisher?

Why was everyone okay with this?

My brother had the Galaxy Explorer. I had the Alpha-1 Rocket Base and the Mobile Tracking Station

I wouldn't want the status quo to ever change. It has brought so much for all

Don't worry; with the election of Perez as DNC chair they're steadfastly working on a Hillary 2020 campaign right now!

In likely unrelated news; Fios in my area is now offering 750 Mbps up/down for $150 a month.

You have accurately summarized the current FB experience. No need to join.