August Personage

Mostly, yes.

“Nicole Kidman doesn’t know how to clap” soon became a hot topic on social media

Clearly not. We should reclaim this person's phone and have them placed on some sort of watchlist.

Steve Albini?

You're correct; I've seen him successfully re-record the same 2 songs for at least 8 albums now.

As someone who is married to a Wiccan; I'm going to assume this will be as effective as praying about it.

Most commentary tracks are crap. Some though do add quite a bit to the movie in understanding the what/why of some creative decisions. I'm thinking of PT Anderson's commentary on Boogie Nights, Fincher talking about Fight Club,, Jones and Gilliam talking about Holy Grail, and yes that last one was originally from a

Don't rely on the apps. Get out there. Honestly, as long as you're not some sort of cretin a la Foucault's Pendulum there are so many women in their late 30's and early 40's looking for someone I'd have a hard time accurately conveying it. Keep in mind at this age they are almost certainly divorcees and a bit bitter

Once you get past a certain age all the sane people are in relationships and only the crazies are single. At least until they start divorcing …

you don't know loneliness until you've made it past 40 without ever having a serious, mutually affectionate relationship in your life

My favorite piece of Atari game art wasn't a cover but from the `81 catalog for the "Adventure" section;

They do seem to be popular. I know people place the laundry detergent ones next to the washing machine, food ones in the kitchen, etc etc. This would certainly be handy but not practical if you have small children.

He's had regular solo cooking shows on the Beeb that are very enjoyable.

I certainly wish you luck.
It's nothing if not ambitious. If you're gonna swing might as well swing for the bleachers.
Basing a game off of one of the most critically lauded movies ever made, which was in turn based off of a defining novel of the 20th cent (pub 1899, but still) especially when a lot about narrative

2002, maybe….

How did Squatty Potty become a thing?

…. um…. who's Tim? ha ha ha….
I'm just someone who wants to play an awesome game based on a great movie….. ha……
….. please don't escort me out of the building.

There's certainly a game in Apocalypse Now if you wanted to do something in a survival/horror setting, so the idea isn't bad.

Also, I do not get the Billy Joel hatred.

Nah - It's just the output of some algorithm to find music that in now way is surprising, has personality or rocks the boat. Its how he makes policy decisions as well.