August Personage

I'm with you on this. Unfortunately it seems we'll be drown out by Millennials who love him in a unironic way.

I've constructed an elaborate fantasy world in which a youthful and resurrected FDR or Eisenhower is in office so I don't have to face that, thank you though.

To ward off the under-bed monsters - duh!

You deserve better

No, thank you though.

I just realized that I haven't had a land-line since 2002 and that there are high school Sophomores who have grown up in that time.

Straight up the RAZR was the best mobile phone I've ever owned. Small, light, held a charge forever. My iPhone may have more processing power than the version of Deep Blue that beat Kasparov but the RAZR rocked. If my wife didn't insist on using text for all non-emergency communications I would still have it

Then we are in some serious trouble.

Please don't tell me people actually do that….. My opinion of my fellow man is low enough….

One of the only times I've been proud of the NJ town I live in is when a PapaJohn's opened and promptly closed within 8 month…..

Why would anyone with a choice choose Papa John's?

Hasn't the microbrewery/craft beer thing been going since the mid-80's though?

Walmart—we figured out how to make lettuce give you diabetes!

We see obits like this about once a year now.

It's hard to imagine an interview like that taking place in any medium today… Like Thomas Frank interviewing one of the Clintons or Taibbi interviewing Tim Geithner.

MLK, Vonnegut, Kubrick, Miles Davis, etc.
For a while being interviewed by Playboy pretty much meant you had made it in terms of relevance.

The Playboy Interviews used to be their own cultural "thing" and a lot of the interviewees in the 60's and 70's were not lightweights either intellectually or culturally.

I am sorry a hyper rich, hyper privileged performer who already basks in media adulation was not recognized more. Clearly a travesty.

haven't seen it, sorry

As a live action cartoon I could see a claim to the movie being good, dumb fun.
However, a fair number of people I have personally known* have compared it to The Godfather in a completely serious and un-ironic manner.