
Whoa ho ho, you sure told this two year old sitcom episode.

Oh, don't get me wrong, they were still fantastic, but I found myself watching the humans as much as I was watching the puppets. With the original cast, I barely remembered the humans were there.

Also, I really want Vogel to do well. I like that dude.

Steve wasn't in Frank's documentary, I noticed. I assumed it was a scheduling thing, but…

And they added Lips to the Electric Mayhem. I really do think they were trying to give Steve more prominent placement. Making him the official #6 guy, as it were.

And Wookieepedia also tries WAY too hard to be in-universe. They need to take a more Memory Alpha tack.

Sorry, do you think there are *aren't* MST fans who are ranting and raving about Vaughan and Yount only doing the mouths and not the bodies of the puppets? Or their arms working now? Or Servo flying?

I love that they not only reworked the show, but they made reworking the show into a plot on the show.

I saw the original cast of Avenue Q. I saw it again recently, and the people in it now are actors with puppets, but that original cast were PUPPETEERS.

Artie Esposito, on the other hand, who filled in for Steve on Dancing with the Stars and some other things, was SHIT.

Skeeter appeared in the Muppet comics. For the first two issues, they just called her "Scooter's sister" because they weren't sure if they had the rights. I think in the end, they just figured either they did, or no one would care.

Jim had nothing to do with Muppet Babies, though. Also, how did they know so much about drugs? They're babies. Bugs and Daffy are adults, the Turtles have seen some shit, the Chipmunks are in the music business, and Garfield saw Lyman succumb to heroin, Alf was a pothead, but he was cool with keeping kids away from

It's Jeph Loeb writing and Joe Madrueira art. Trust me, you ain't missing shit.

A big one I'm hearing a lot is "they decided to cast a woman first, and then an actor" as if literally every single show runner didn't come out it with a first choice. Chibnall wanted her, but if he didn't get her, of course he was going to look for someone similar. Just like if Capaldi said no, we probably would've

Ultimate Black Panther was white. He was Steve Rogers, actually. Ultimates 3 was VERY bad.


They never wear their proper costume in the announcements.

I like how Richard Hatch complained about it at first, then he saw and respected how Ron Moore handled himself in fron of a hostile BSG fanboy audience, so he called and apologized, and wound up getting a part in the series. Meanwhile, Dirk Benedict just stewed in his anger and didn't get any roles out of it. Maturity

Reddit, at least the Doctor Who sub, was very excited. Twitter seems to be where the crazies are gathering right now.

It's more of a small town murder show than a traditional British cop drama. Think Twin Peaks, but only the murder investigation/small town folks bits, not so much the… You know, other stuff.