
Speaking of preaching to the choir, hating on Macklemore to the AV Club.

Saw him on tour recently. He'd be perfect, but he already has a CBS sitcom coming up this year.

Each and every one will make money, so why not do a shit-ton more.

But do those even really count? /s

I was skeptical beforehand (especially with treatment from IM2) but ultimately I found the character worthwhile.

Eh, her death was fine. Robin was not.

I read about the ending and thought it sounded great. However, once I watched it, I hated it. At least, the last 3 minutes, right after he says how he met the mother.

Yeah, the only thing wrong with the finale for me was the whole Robbin thing, which I was fine with when it was spoiled to me until I actually watched the episode. It didn't work.

Yeah, I was feeling really smiley face after watching this oldschool TV icon with antenna and static.

It was too simple. They wouldn't, couldn't do such a thing. It was brilliant, how the played it.

And even if he does actually know, they'll kill him off. Can't have the show ending, or any sort of meaningful goal for the characters.

Ellimist Chronicles was a masterpiece of serial children's lit. Never had I read a more though provoking piece at that point in my life. I hope it was her that wrote it, although I can't imagine it not being her given how important it was to the entire universe.

It was almost back to back. They wrapped Mockingjay P1 before the new year and were seven days into Mockingjay P2.

Thor 3: Rap God

He's an amputee, so cancer does have some consequences, and


"Of course, this is something he could have said during the Grammy voting, if he felt that strongly about it. But whatever, right?"

Clever, man. Clever.

That's what I'm saying (though I don't think he deserves to be compared to Rebecca Black).

Well, sure. You can think anyone's kind of douchy. Why, though? He's never come across that way to me.