
Actually, that specific Sufjan song has been sampled at least once before Hood Politics. Idk if any others have though.

Nah, this isn't even her final form.

I'd say it's fairly reasonable to "apologize" if you said something you didn't mean and wanted to keep everyone happy.

I assume they fucked.

It's a format I just can't stand, honestly, but there are some exceptions, like Flight of the Valkeries, if that counts.

I walk that line every day, usually falling off onto the stupid side.

I see myself going down this same road sooner or later, but for now I can only even stand them in very small doses before I want to pull the hair out of the lead singer.

Someone on reddit linked to the wiki page for the dog yesterday. He's long gone.

I wouldn't be surprised.

Livin' the dream, brah.

I can explain that.

Circlejerk of hatred, I should specify.

Probably just a mistake, but it's a Macklemore post, so time to initiate the circlejerk.

Damn it, Macklemore! I keep trying to like you.

Holy shit, it's that lady from Go On. I fucking love that show.
But yeah, this was better.

Well, I agree with you on the episode, but I like Sheeran enough to not change the channel/station whenever he comes on.

Great! This means I don't have to clutter my DVR with any of the late night shows anymore.

She's my (ex)aunt in real life, so hearing this is really funny.

I thought I was the only one who found nothing inspired about that album.

He was famous before hand, from one of the biggest songs of the year. Even Psy's follow up to Gangam Style has a ton of views, even though no one ever cared about it. Famous people doing things always gets more attention.