
A lot of people are mad at Macklemore because of the news coverage of this song, but that's not really his fault. He wasn't expecting to reach such a huge audience with the song when he wrote it, nor is it what got him popular, so stop acting like he was just trying to get a pat on the back. I can understand not

Thank you, sir or madam, for making my day that much brighter and darker simultaneously.

I've been contemplating internet suicide ever since this is in my top 10 movies of the year.

Woah man, don't diss "Go On." That was my favorite new show last year.

I was literally just watching that before I clicked this. Literally two clicks ago.


What? Do tell.

Damn AV Club, you so indie n' shit.

TIL that I have nothing in common with the music reviewers on the AV Club.

Been lurking for the past few months. Thanks for the warm welcome! I just had to defend my beloved Pop Danthology ;).

I agree, and I'm only replying to answer to your question about a narrative: I judge a song's narrative only if it really tries to have one. Not many do, now or ever really. I do like some cohesion, I suppose, but it's rarely necessary.

I enjoyed Drybones' mix quite a lot. Good find, considering it has a comparatively minuscule amount of views.

Wow, really? I was totally "Meh" on 2009, having just listened to it. Maybe my expectations were too high, but it really fell flat.

You've obviously not listened to the rest of the album. The Heist is fantastic, and no, he doesn't rely purely on other people for it. Just because he doesn't sing (which is what gets stuck in people's heads) doesn't mean he's bad by definition. I have friends into rap (I personally am not), and you have to judge

I disagree. When I watch a mashup of different thing, I'm not looking for a narrative (even less so then when I'm listening to music), and this one has it's narrative so loose that they're meaningless. I'd never have picked up on it if I hadn't been looking directly for it. I'm looking for the thing that sounds the

Look up "Pop Danthology." Far, far better, IMO, and you can at least enjoy it in addition to this one.