nyc girl

"You even know what your EBITDA is?
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.
Gives the true picture of a company's profitability."
— Paulie Walnuts Gualtieri, Financial Consultant

Phenomenal job, Todd, entire series. Moving and insightful. Bravo!

Phenomenal job, Todd, entire series. Moving and insightful. Bravo!

What they all (including Feech) do to Sal Vitro is disaster capitalism at its finest.

What they all (including Feech) do to Sal Vitro is disaster capitalism at its finest.

Voice of Tony's wife in the dream: Wendy Hammers

I love the choice of both the dog barking and the siren in the background growing louder and louder during the kitchen scene when Janice explains to Tony what a relief it is "to let go of all that sadness". (sound used to represent his growing irritation)

"Definitely had a lift. D cup at least."

"So, you and Tony egg again…" "Tony egg? Tony B!"

Guiltless Gourmet is a brand of food manufactured and distributed from New Jersey. What he was eating looked to me like it was the salsa dip.

Not to mention that in Season 2 Episode 3, (Toodle-Fucking-Oo), the
following conversation takes place between Tony and Richie Aprile at the
Richie: I'm the guy who saved you from the hit parade.
Tony: When did you ever step in for me?
Richie: You forget? When you and my kid brother stuck up Feech La Manna's

Thank you!

Award for most comical line delivery: Tony: "How do you vandalize a swimming pool?"

At the zoo when Gloria says, "Poor you," Tony momentarily looks like he's going to have an anxiety attack. Emotional trigger much?

Great deconstruction. I don't think it's quite so black and white regarding sociopathy. There's a wide range of varying degrees, just like everything else.
Also, the reason nobody touches Ralphie is because he's a made man. Tony gets in a few punches, because, well, because he's Tony. But he is restrained. I've no

I think the Janice storyline in this episode is ultimately to remind us (as
if we needed reminding!) that Tony will "have to get payback" whenever someone
in his circle is the victim of an injustice, so there will be no doubt in our
minds just exactly what the consequences will be if Melfi tells him the truth

Carmine: "There's nothing to be ashamed of, Tony. For chrissakes, Julius
Caesar was an epileptic."

You wanna commit suicide, tie your shoes and have a bite of