nyc girl

Connie Desapio, the receptionist at Barone Sanitation was a born-again
Christian, not a fundamentalist Christian.

David Proval was actually a trained boxer, and from what I understand that punch missed her by only 2 inches (purposefully of course).

Brilliant deconstruction. Bravo!

(about the cigars)
Cusamano: "I bet these motherfuckers were hard to come by, huh?"
Tony: "Yeah they fell off a truck."
(both laughing)

Jimmy's a rat as well.

Absolutely, a hat tip to Imperioli's character "Spider" in Goodfellas. I call the bakery scene in that Sopranos episode, "Spider's Revenge".

Don't know if this has been mentioned, but fyi Tennessee Williams and Michael Imperioli have the same birthday — March 26th.