Joe Smith

I'm not done with the show yet, but I can tell you that the rewards are most certainly there. Episode upon episode, the awesomeness increases exponentially. Incredible use of music/score, gorgeous location/scenery, top notch actor/acting. And a great mystery whodunnit Sci-Fi show. Worth.

This feels very accurate.

Yeah I like all those points.

That's the logical assumption IMO.

I'm worried about Amy. Those headaches better not turn out to be internal brain issues.

Harper's Island. Loved it. Except for the hammy pre-Arrow/Flash CW acting. I can't say no to a good whodunnit tho.

SAME! Rows-douser for bummer of the year, guys.

Just shows you how badass Terrence Howard was as Sheriff. It was "MY TOWN" he said. He gave everything for it. After all, he DID kidnap enough people to populate the entire town. Twice.

I saw that too. Love the inexplicable sandbags. They gave their lives for Wayward Pines.

In fairness, there were some inexplicably placed sandbags between them and the bomb, IIRC.

What are you talking about? Mrs. Fisher is clearly seen in the scene where they all wake up from their cryogenic tubes. She's up there with Pam and the Ice Cream Sheriff as part of the FOUNDERS.

After reading through the AV Club Comments section, I was horrified and dismayed to find no mention of the blatant and horrific Open Fridge Door Scene from this episode.

I actually questioned myself when I audibly cursed the Indian chief right and left. Never has a TV show provoked such hostility in me towards Native Americans. Thankfully, she isn't the sole representative of her people on this show, as the rest of them, esp. the girl friend of Rosie's are shown as good people.

Incredible episode overall. I was genuinely emotional watching the farwell scene with Jack in the airport. This review as well, captured the forward motion and impetus of this episode nicely.

Yeah, strange stuff. It's there in the episode though, and the writers ALWAYS make things pay off, so it has to mean something…


Earth 1 and Earth 2 incoming.

Why did Eobard Thawne whisper to Cisco as he was disintegrating: "Cisco, help me". I only got that when I enabled CC on the scene. Too hard to make out with all the sound effects otherwise.

My assumption is, it's a place they send people who are inconvenient. The main character's co-worker is seen talking to Toby Jones, the creepy psych., so my guess is he and the wife are in on it together, and want to get him out of the picture (due to his being in another relationship.) She just deletes all the…

LOVE that description.