Joe Smith

It's actually SUPPOSED to be a Todd Chrisley take-off.

OMG. I loved Cecily's real life desperation with Taran Killam showing through in the "Gay/Not Really Gay" couple sketch (based on Todd Chrisley and co. of course). He kept fake "flirting" with her in more and more over the top ways, and she kept flubbing it. Had to rewind a bunch of times. LOL.

Downright awful cringeworthy episode. Blech!

I don't understand why this episode isn't in the "A-range" though. Incredible pathos and acting from D'Onofrio, and all around incredible action and character development.

Really no way to Dodge those punches.

He mentions at the bottom of the review, that this is his last one.

Really felt like Revenge to me.

Also, in episode 4: The Urim and Tumim weren't white and black marble slabs. They were pieces of parchment put inside the center of the Choshen.

Commenting on Episode 4: My theory of the child being the High Priest in this show was correct, (comment written on episode 2).

I guess the Kleenex was for blowing our noses.

Hide your kids, hide your wife. And hide your husband too.

How does this not have 100+ upvotes? This bit was SO funny! The unintentional phrasing Kimmy does there had me ROFL'ing. But then, when the guy started punching him, it became a pretty darkly funny joke. Turns out he stole his stamp, which makes it even funnier.

They actually are the same. Both are Schmoyoho on Youtube.

Some glaring inaccuracies in this episode: The "haftarah" portion is only recited on the Sabbath. The "Torah" portion is recited on weekdays as well. One does NOT wear Tefillin (Phylacteries) on the Sabbath. Doesn't add up. Also, the scroll he read from was a Torah parchment lookalike, not a haftarah scroll. Different


Knowing a lot of information about Talmudic law REALLY made this episode exciting. Trying to connect the dots I have, with the tidbits they dropped in this episode, was actually very entertaining.

See above at my explanation of that scene.

I think everyone is a bit off on this one. I believe the whole Joshua = Jesus thing is a load of red herring.

Well played Michael Keaton. Very dignified comments.

WOW. Sean Penn. Don't know why he was presenting the best picture awards. But dang. that pause was so worth it. Epic on your seat moment, as it should be!