Joe Smith

A) Weird haircut change mid-episode by Capaldi (it was towards the end of the episode)

I thought the last bit was quality acting.

I agree.

I cannot stand LESlie. Blech.

I appreciated it. I felt it was true to Sean Pertwee's hard nosed Alfred. His whole speech there was the only credible part of the whole damn show.

Thank goodness for friggin Sean Pertwee. The only credible actor/character on this damn show.

I think if Stephen were to pick going out like he did this season, guns blazing, he'd be 100% fine with it 10 times out of 10. He just didn't want to repeat last time where he went all the way to the end only to lose by not at least attemping to make his move.

I liked how Wells looked at Caitlyn at the end of the episode, and the fact that he took the time to scan her. She is CLEARLY Killer Frost in Earth 2.

Wait a few more episodes, and continuity ye shall receive. Gut shawls for EVERYONE.

I'm with Waffle. Add to that, the fact that Andrew is still alive and his actor will be reprising his role in 4+ more episodes this season per IMDB and Marvel. Hmmm, if he ain't an inhuman, that'd be hard to figure out, eh? And if he's an inhuman, why not pick the inhuman he MOST resembles as a human. As a human

Many orthodox men don't have beards. All orthodox women cover their hair.

The story was SO confusing and unnecessarily convoluted. I was waiting for the big twist or reveal, ala True Detective S1. The plot points which really mattered were obscure; the blue diamonds were an afterthought. The first 4 episodes were tangential to the actual story. Some of the character decisions were so crap.

Wow, this was awful.

Wow. Insane, how people can't appreciate a tight sci-fi adventure at face value anymore.

I thought it ended perfectly. The true homage to the Twilight Zone (of which I felt influences of, while watching this entire series).

I am stunned speechless by all the hate on this stellar show from AV Club commenters. I'm usually pleasantly surprised by the good taste of viewers who post here, but I guess I'm going to have to re-evaluate.

I am stunned speechless by all the hate on this stellar show from AV Club commenters. I'm usually pleasantly surprised by the good taste of viewers who post here, but I guess I'm going to have to re-evaluate.

If I can't get it on Netflix I always turn to iTunes.

Oh, I took that scene at face value. I thought Tucci was honeslty praising his teaching techniques. /shrug.

I was hoping and praying it'd be creepy Mcfeederson who got killed. Been rooting for him to die all season. Weirdo. Was so let down when it was nice doctor lady instead.