
Turns out, the cookies were poisoned.

Two lobsters, champagne, & a hit of coke for lunch. And someone else's cookies as a snack.

And swaggers in all "what were you saying?"

It's been such a long build-up to it; the resolution did seem awfully quick. The conversation when Peggy confessed her baby seemed like more of a good sort of moment to lead to it. But the phone call connection & Stan running to her office did help make up for it.

"I had your baby & all I got was this damn cactus."

"How are you?"

It would've been a nice mirroring of that classic scene. Except Peggy already figured out years ago that that's bullshit. Glad someone (Stephanie) finally told him that to his face.

I thought she wasn't married to anyone.

And trade it all for a thermos. Only Peggy seems to understand the value of a good thermos.

"Carry On" by Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young
"Changes" by Donovan

Hopefully Sally will quit smoking after this. And it just reminded me in the episode Waterloo, when Sally kisses the telescope boy, she went out there to smoke & he tells her "smoking causes cancer."

Don will head west & sculpt the world's largest still life.

It wasn't until this episode that I realized just how bad Pete's comb-over is.

I think it was partly that, & partly Betty being totally out of it, so Henry would have be the one to listen about the options.

Yes. When he was with his brother, I got a real sense he realized how much he fucked up & wanted to undo it.

I suppose it shows that Betty was right for leaving such a note with Sally instead of Henry.

I wish.

Betty knew this was right. Whether it was knowing that Sally would be able to handle things better, or that giving her a specific task at such a time would be a good focus. My dad died when I was 16, only about 2 months after being diagnosed with stomach cancer. I knew his wishes as well as my mom did; it does make

Tres bien.

Oh man yeah, that was some foreshadowing. Between that & Don telling Sally "I don't like you going to funerals."