
What about many peanuts?


Yeah, I feel like Betty finally has a sense of peace in her life, even despite the news.

As far as I understood, the partners had a non-compete clause, underlings such as Peggy did not.

Right. Whether she puts in the 3 years like the headhunter suggested or not, she'll be there & come out of it somehow.

Yes. I thought instantly of a disembodied Nixon head.

Not enough bright colors or looking straight down shots.

You would.

LOL @ Roger. But yes, Meredith turned into what Peggy would describe as "an excellent secretary."

When Pete told her, he let her know she wasn't being laid off. She was deciding if she should go along with the ride or try to move on & find something else ahead of time.

He held off signing the paperwork to try to maneuver having to pay less money to his wife. Harry's not always right. Back in the beginning of the series, it's true he didn't make the most of a lot of his situations & good ideas. But I think the later, California-frequenting version of Harry has shown this isn't true

I don't think it was lack of courage so much as straight-up greed.

Peggy sarcastically comes up with the tagline for Sex Panther as a joke, but it sticks.

No, it was an unseen CGC guy named Torkelson (sp?). Kenny has a line that mentions that the dude apparently doesn't want to marry her or something.

A little more practice in the kitchen & he'll graduate to making his own sandwiches.

Secret lover

That was Peggy's secretary.