
Got out at the mid-point of season 5, when I finally admitted that watching the show was more of a chore than anything (though it had been like that for a long time). No sense of direction, just the same cycle of finding hope and it going tits up over and over, and frankly a real lack of character development for

Or a reviewer willing to call TWD out on its BS, which it's been cycling through for years.

Congratulations, you got suckered in by the writers and AMC into thinking shock value and gore equate to quality storytelling. No. You can have those things, but dragging it out for an entire episodes (after the damn cliff hanger to end last season) just shows TWD is only concerned with stringing along its audience

"I'm pretty sure RLM don't get to talk about any of that."

Did I say they were "irredeemable shit?" All I said was they had some very noticeable flaws, and that for there are several people for which these flaws ultimately make the movies unenjoyable (again, not "irredeemable shit").

So, honest question, did you even bother to read the title of the video? It's not "The Force Awakens Review." It's actually "The Star Wars Awakens Review." It's more a commentary on the franchise as a whole under Disney and how it's gotten there.

So "screenwriting-manual boilerplate" pointing out blatant flaws in the prequels, how they're structured, how the characters are written, etc., is not an issue for you? I'm all for experimentation and breaking film and narrative rules (moreso when you understand those rules to begin with), but there will always be the

Why would it address the prequels this way? To show why TFA worked when compared to the prequels all the while shooting down the wave of entitled millenials that think because they liked something as a child that makes it objectively good.

And we've since come to understand that depictions like those are insensitve, and in bad taste. So, yeah, kinda suggests George is just out of touch.

Lol, calm down, kid.

I think that more applies to Phantom Menace. AOTC and ROTS have some very blatant pandering to what fanboys wanted. Granted, that didn't help make them good…at all.

No, no, no. I think you're confusing them with the likes of Kyle Newman and prequel apologist-twitter. Are you feeling okay? :p

I think George never fully understood what made the OT so magical for so many and a cinematic phenomenon. He had certain ideas, but was tempered by collaberators on the OT who were actually willing to stand up and present different ideas. The end result was all these ideas coming together with George's to create

isn't this largely the same comment over again? Seriously, are you just autistic?

The assumption that someone saying the prequels aren't good is always a personal attack against you or any other prequel fan is a logical fallacy. But for the times it has happened, it's sad. But are you arguing that now 2 wrongs make a right? That every time someone even says "I don't like the prequels" in a public

Fun fact: the arguments made in the RLM reviews existed prior to the reviews themselves being made. RLM just added some humour, good editing, and brought them all to the fore in one review. The lack of a main character or anyone with a well-done arc in TPM was apparent from day 1, as was the Trade Federation's plan

It's "autistic." Not "authistic." The reason people continue to mock the prequels is they were mediocre follow-ups to a cultural phenomenon. They're easy targets, low hanging fruit.

Won't deny there are some that do that. But watching this small, vocal minority of prequel apologists basically go on the warpath the moment someone even suggests the prequels aren't all that good is just sad. Case in point: you.

As opposed to the manchildren who have conniption fits the moment someone suggests the prequels aren't cinematic masterpieces,or even just says they don't personally think they're good? Okay, pal. I must admit, watching the blind fanboys whine and pout after Pegg's most recent comments was hilarious.

lol, you keep on just mentioning Empire Strikes Back over and over, along with the same lines about how it's all others' fault that you now dislike the OT. Are you autistic or something?