
Lol, what a butthurt little child. Between this and your comment above about how you now hate the OT, you come off as pretty pathetic. Kinda like most prequel apologists who respond with such venom to anyone who says they don't think the prequels are good.

You're precious. Look, we get it: you need every movie George Lucas makes with a "Star Wars" logo on it to be good in order for you simplistic worldview to hold up.

And yet here you are, referencing it in your article and giving it kudos for praising empty visual references, even if your praise has an asterisk accompanying it.

Really says something that scenes simply making references to past films but having little connection in terms of context, a similar emotional weight, or meaning appeals to you.

Jesse Hassenger is the key to all this. If the AV Club can get him working… Because, he's a funnier character than they've had before.

The sad thing is, reading his responses, he's completely convinced that he's 100% right and that we're all just mindless haters. What a tool.

Lolz. But don't you see? Jesse doesn't need a well done plot to enjoy a movie! That's not important! Only visuals matter! I mean, why else would this hack reference the "Ring Theory?" XD

Exactly. Not that this guy cares. He's all about the visuals, and that, in his mind, makes the prequels great. That they just reference the previous trilogy. What a maroon :P

Say, aren't you the vitriolic little troll who goes out of their way to bash RLM in every article they're mentioned in, and even go on their own website just to bash the Plinkett reviews while often linking to your own poorly edited "takedowns?" Look, do us all a favour and go off in your little echo chamber with the


Guy who wrote the "Ring Theory" article that Hassenger references. Basically, every shot in the PT is some intricately constructed reference to the OT, and they mirror each other in such a way that TPM mirrors ROTJ, AOTC does ESB, and ROTS equals ANH. Problem with his theory is there are several shots across all the

Well, looks like Mr. Ring Theory himself has commented on the article, both here and on Twitter:

"Durrrrr, I only goes to movies to see lots a 'splosions and lightsaber fights! But da politics stuff is greats too, because it so deep I don'ts even understandz itz!" :p

I think that was the whole point of the opening of ROTS, and some of the dialogue scenes between the two before Obi-Wan heads off (alone) to kill Grievous. Too bad the dialogue is once again painfully bad, the actors have no chemistry with each other, we're once again subjected to stories about what happened off

And the problem is we never see him altering his plan as events change. This is only compounded by the fact that we never knew what the original plan was. So it just seems like Palpatine got incredibly lucky that the Jedi are consistently the dumbest schmucks in the galaxy and can't put 2 and 2 together. Oh, but I

Again, you miss the point. The problem is that in many of the dialogue scenes George just throws stuff on CGI backgrounds while doing the blandest framing, blocking, and editing. It's as if he thinks he just needs to insert stuff out a window to make the scene interesting. The result is painfully boring interactions

Another article praising the "Ring Theory," which argues that almost every shot is some sort of intricately constructed reference/call-back that shows a serious lack of understanding of the basic visual language of cinema? Even if the degree to which the author argues this is true (though how anyone can take an