As a woman who must be, what, over 50 by now. . . maybe it's time she moved on fashion-wise.
As a woman who must be, what, over 50 by now. . . maybe it's time she moved on fashion-wise.
Belly, of course. Helium. Laura Balance from Superchunk.
I see that Miki works as a production manager at a magazine and Emma as a bookkeeper. It's interesting to learn how many cool people end up in the same places as the rest of us. And Miki is old! Kudos to her for hitting the road again at age 48.
Testify. They're playing in April not far from me, but far enough that I can't justify it with two little kids and a wife that just isn't quite that understanding.
Hardwick's fiancée does have kind of a weird face though. There, now I feel better.
Bowie covered "Cactus", one of my very favorite Pixies songs? I'm off to YouTube!
As a CBB fan, I'm predisposed to feeling warm to this series. But frankly, this looks like the least annoying Judd Apatow project in many years (unless Lesley Mann shows up at some point).
Answer: nowhere in Canada, ever. Just because we spell it "neighbour" doesn't mean we've adopted all the stupid things British people do.
"Patton Oswalt Wrote 1 Masterful Tweet Saluting Alan Rickman - 52 Less Tweets Than It Took To Defend Trevor Noah's Shitty Jokes"
Every time I see that commercial, I ask my wife, "Why is she doing crap like this when she could be playing guitar and singing onstage somewhere - that's what she's best at." My wife says, "She likes money, get over it."
When Miyamoto passes away, how will we Nintendo-loving nerds find the will to keep living?
Bowie and Lemmy dead, while Donald Rumsfeld and Ricky Gervais still live. Fuck you, God.
I only really know him from CBB and he's such a likeable guy there. But I guess maybe he's found his acting niche?
And Lapkus, of course! God, so many amazing recurring guests on CBB.
Mmm hmmm. You don't think most of the people at a Femmes show aren't just passing the time until "Add It Up?"
Hey, their first s/t album, Hallowed Ground, Blind Leading the Naked, 3, maybe even Why Do Birds Sing - all really worthwhile; I'd even go so far to say I love their first 4 albums - and they all have great songs on them. But generally post-DeLorenzo. . . I'm sad to say: Yawn.
Julie Christie, the rumours are true.
Since I don't have Netflix, but found the trailer compelling, I went and looked up some details on the case. The details of the murder are just so sad and depressing. Geez. No wonder people living in Wisconsin don't want to relive all that.
I've always felt that every Femmes album took a noticeable decline from the previous one. But they started at such a high level of greatness, it was 5 albums in before things started getting dire.
Agreed, but I fear HBO's promised movie will arrive about when their promised Deadwood movie comes.