
The Ghost of Easy E is gonna be pissed he missed out on this Newswire!

Ah yes, Adam "If anyone acts like a c*nt I’ll call them one. It’s not misogyny, it’s calling a spade a spade. Grab a razor blade and draw a bath. I doubt anyone will miss you.” Richman.

(Edited to put an asterisk in the word cunt, but really I'd just like this post to be deleted.)

Ho-lee fuck, William, I am down with you on Retro Game Challenge. Probably my all-time fave DS game. The multi-hour RPG in it is what convinced me that I really needed to check out more old-school JRPGs. The game really does recapture that childhood excitement of sitting in front of the TV with an immensely fun new

But he didn't have to do anything. He's Rupert Murdoch's son. It would have been so easy for him to do nothing. He did something.

Yeah, there may one or two rare exceptions. The swastika is many millennia old. But at this point in human history, if you're sporting a swastika, you're asking for a punching.

You may be right, but. . . he took out that full-page ad in the New York Times 25 years ago to call for the death penalty for a group of black men who turned out to be innocent of the crime they were accused of. He has a history of, to say the least, not showing the same respect to POC that he does to white people.

Sad to think similar conversations and conclusions are common all over America.

If they carry flags with fucking swastikas on them, they are fucking Nazis.

Yeah, he doesn't seem like the type to steal some kid's basketball at all.

Since Oreos are readily available for two bucks a bag and I find them pretty tasty, the idea of going to the trouble and cost of baking replicas should seem stupid. However, the notion of creating a better Oreo is genuinely thrilling to me. I really, really like cookies.

Bob Kent, your lengthy comment history ensures that your racist opinions will be treated with great respect here. . . cough. . .

Thanks. To be frank, I've had it in mind for years now and realized with the Kinjapocalypse upon us, this may be my last chance to use it!

You agree with what she's saying some of the time, yet you think she's a piece of shit? Huh.

If his dick looks anything like his face, it's nothing to write home about.

OK, that sucks to hear. Next I suppose I should know that Groening is an asshole too?

Harsh comment, but mostly true.

Harsh comment, but mostly true.

Lassi is a popular traditional yogurt-based drink from the Indian Subcontinent.

And you listen to The Drop how often these days?