
Jeffery Lord is very pleased with Jeffery, Jeffery's superiority and Jeffery's 'Reaganish conservative whiteness.' The guy has always been a smug, self-righteous excuse-maker for the worst President in history.
Lord is the kind of right wing guy who thinks he should be entitled to go into a crowded movie theater and

I laughed so hard I herniated my flamistam valve.

Big, white, cowardly, fried, full of hot air yet empty inside.
You need more?

Chicken Little Hands, yall.

Only if you like your females scrawny, bottle-blonde, boney and full of warthog excrement.
Actually there may be sexier warthogs.

Well, I'll be hornswaggled! That ditzy, bottle-blonde creep is the same lying, bucktoothed, goofy-as-shit hillbilly who used to wash Trump's tight, white man-panties and make excuses for Little Hands during his "Insult Somebody" campaign.

Any 'house' that does not have a functioning golden commode and a functioning golden shower is a dump to Trump.

Sans punctuation, but lacking no zing!

Hmmmm, a dump, eh?
Well, 1600 Pennsylvania was WONDERFUL when that decent, loving, down-to-Earth family with the two sweet, loveable daughters and the cute dog lived there.
Now I wonder who the racist turd is who turned the place into "The White Nationalist House?"

The first six months of the comical farce have already been produced.

Of all the crack addicts I've met, "Adolescent Rock" was my favorite.

Donald Trump was the most immature male at the Boy Scouts Jamboree, but it is debatable whether Trump has the equipment necessary to qualify as a male.

It really is a shame about Sean Hannity's penis.

No, because he is prone to 'the lying' … not fee-lying.

Everybody wants to rule their world.

Donald Trump and R. Kelly … two sexual predators who provide a perfect illustration of how American culture treats a black predator differently from a white predator.

Haven't seventy five comic book movies featuring The Hulk already been made?
Or is this nonsense like the SpideyBoy series … requiring a remake every three months?

I just want to reach down and pinch that little sucker's nose.
He looks like a garden gnome… but wearing a white hooded robe.

If I wanted to watch revisionist horse hockey from angry, agitated, overpaid Caucasians, then I would watch Fox Fake News.

In summary, David Brooks seems more enamored of his skin color - and the 'advantages' he presumes his precious complexion provides him - than Donald Trump.