
To add insult to injury, the poor reporter must return to a job reporting on Donald Trump.
In other words, more vomit.


Screw the 'American coal industry' and the anti-environment, anti-science, right wing idiots who are living in the past.

I am astounded there are enough 'Lynch geezers' around to watch a series that was difficult to understand, even with the 'time frame relevance' it had two decades ago, much less now when the story has been complicated by faulty memory, revisions, nostalgia and renewed expectations.

I want to take back everything bad I said about KellyAnne … just so I can say it again.

Sorry, the name is Cucker Tarlson.

How hilarious to read the hypocritical outrage from the low-melanin liars and partisan hacks at Fox Fake News lamenting over the loss of civility on late night TV due to satire launched against the Idiot-In-Chief. The Tangerine-tinted Tycoon Tyrant deserves the ridicule.

Let me get this straight.

Perhaps 'gobbling oranges' left him with that unusual complexion.

Traurig aber wahr.

Only because his 'stream' is weaker than his mind.

Someone please tell the potsmoking fatboy to return to his Mama's basement in Austin because his Mama has finished washing his soiled 'tightie whities.'

The password to enter his event is "Big Orange Pussy."

Has Mister LaBeouf spent all that money he made from his "Man Down" movie yet?
All $11.37 of it?

Now tell me again … How is Nappy's 'continual stream of lies' distinguishable from ANY other Fox News anchor's 'continual stream of white lies?'

As strange as Jar Jar might have been, he still isn't the 'absurd alien a-hole' that Donald Trump is.

I simply clicked the Caucasian button and all the responses automatically indicated that I support Comrade Trumpski up to the point when he has bromantic sex with Vlad Putin.


So NOW Jimmy Fallon summons the courage to lampoon the Idiot-In-Chief????

How pathetic is America???
So pathetic that a scrawny, white techno musician popular over a decade ago is 'more in touch,' believable, trustworthy and 'au curant' than the lying scumbag in the Oval Office.