Michelle Smith

I tried recently and then there was the episode where Tasha Yar fights some lady around a climbing frame whilst clad in aerobics garb. I don't think I managed to make it through.

And then he laughed his ass off about it. It's one of my favorite moments. :D

I definitely want to watch the first 3, but it's also a comfort knowing there's still unadulterated GBBO out there that I haven't seen. Like, the version of the show that I loved isn't really over.

Hope so, and I am asquee. If there could only be one VM alum to make the full-time transition to iZombie, I'd want it to be him. (But I do still want to see Tina Majorino.)

I read several things with Rob Thomas today, so I'm not sure which it was, but he definitely says we'll see Chase "throughout season 4."

Totally mock turtleneck-y and weird. Maybe they were trying to tone him down so he wouldn't outhot Major.

It looked to me like they were all signing consent forms first, too.

Assuming that Tatum was telling the truth while also trying to get Liv's sympathy, then FG did blackmail Weckler into getting the tape. Presumably, to help their candidate of choice. But another unanswered question… were they behind the shots fired at Baracus, too, to create a kind of hero narrative?

If Carey knew about the cure but Chase doesn't, I wonder if we'll get a plot where Liv tries to obtain his help in locating it and he has to figure out where he stands regarding it.

Sometimes the vaccinated person contracts a mild form before fighting it off, yeah? So maybe Ravi will go.. mildly zombie for a period of time?

The TV director had taken the vaccine, I believe. He was starting to look kind of pasty to me.

Her chemistry with Chase is just so far beyond that with Justin. I usually don't root for a character to cheat on their significant other, especially right after confirming their exclusivity, but dang.

That whole scene, starting with "Isn't that bathrobe like the fluffiest ever?" was *SOOOOOO* Logan. The line, the delivery. I loved it. I might go home and rewatch it!

I am wondering if Liv's family has seen the news and put it together… *that's* why she looks like that and *that's* why she wouldn't donate blood for Evan.

There have been a few times this season where we just had to assume characters told each other stuff off-camera. I bet that many of these scenes were in the scripts but had to be cut for time.

He's been screwed over by humans a lot, and the only place he has any chance of doing good anymore (he thinks) is with FG.

I was wondering if the zombies tainting the vaccine weren't also her doing? Or did Chase deploy them in furtherance of Plan B, since it was already in motion?

Rob Thomas has talked about the fun/positive side effects of the vaccine. This makes me wonder… what if Ravi somehow develops some supernatural abilities of some sort? Dunno what. I highly doubt he'd turn into a creature from the comics like a were-terrier or something, but it'd be kind of awesome.

It's his line delivery that somehow makes him cute to me. That whole bit about the fluffy bathrobe sounded like such Logan dialog, too.

I hope Jason Dohring is back for season 4, perhaps in increased capacity. Same for Dale.