Michelle Smith

Blaine crept into the house of one of his customers—the guy who played the coach on Glee—and made him scratch him again.

4. Was it really FG who had Weckler kill the dominatrix? Probably some truth in what Tatum said.
5. Who was behind the shots fired at Barracus. FG, too, I am assuming.

I'm pretty sure she *did* use Leo in this way and then felt bad about it. Like, distracted him or something to steal evidence relating to Lily's case?

I hope Dohring is able to stick around next season. Now Tina Majorino tops my wishlist. At least she got a verbal shoutout recently.

I had seen a spoiler about a shock ending, and so hastily looked away without seeing further detail. After they slept together, I was waiting for the shock to be a lock of Major's hair turning white.

He's too ripped for me. I kind of like the baby-faced Logan look more.

I hadn't really thought about Clive/Peyton before, but I could see them as working out much more interestingly than Ravi/Peyton. Clive may have some delightfully dorky tendencies, but he's still more mature relationship-wise than Ravi is.

I hope you have seen Homicide, if you love Andre Braugher!

I do think FG probably hired Weckler, but instead of just going to the dominatrix to get dirt, perhaps FG asked Baracus, "Is there anything out there that could hurt your chances of getting elected?" and Weckler was sent to tie up that loose end.

I can't believe it's taking people so long!

I don't think Liv would be able to eat a zombie's brains. I do recall there was something about a zombie rat wanting to eat Ravi but not her.

I think FG might be part of the plan. Maybe that's why Justin isn't with them.

Good point. I don't think they'd interacted since she beat him up. Maybe he told her off-camera.

In fact, I hope we don't have any more cases of the week this season!

Yeah, the return of the voiceover and the belated explanation for over-the-top brains made me wonder about writers reading forums!

From the promo, it *looks* like he might be reacting to a comment Don E. made to his rescuers. Perhaps he went off to get FG's help and she and Blaine went ahead.

Alas, Percy has already played a character on iZombie.

I agree that FG is behind both things.

There was a teenager girl who claimed she saw Major abducting one of the Chaos Killer dudes. But later they found that she couldn't have seen what she said she did. To get Major out of jail, Clive shared that information with… whoever can get people released from jail.

I'll be in my booth.