C Monty

So an ideologically based form of ethnic cleansing? Sounds very liberal

To be fair, the law doesn't ban transpeople from bathrooms, it just dictates which one. Either way you're going to have transpeople in the toilet.

I must say I agree with everything here but can't shake the feeling that a transgendered person would also easily survive using the toilet next to either a man or woman. As to the violence thing it's not like this keeps transgendered people from being in the men's room, it's just the other type.

oh no, I'd hate to be shamed for looking ridiculous to a retard who has yet to make a coherent point beyond "oh u mad, and who cares about what's sexy, unless it's not fat ladies then wahhhhhhhh"

At least as important as how a fat girl on television makes a fat girl on her couch feel.

I'll hand it to you, you've got a knack for avoiding any engagement with things that might not turn out well for you.

No, but it's retarded to expect to discuss how people should feel about the fuckability of actresses without having them, idk, bring that up.

So then we're in agreement that it's pretty understandable why most actresses are not fat and we should all just go home? Seems like that would make this entire article a waste of time.

So preferences are ok it's just not okay when the entirely natural result of those preferences comes to pass, ie hot women being cast in movies more often because people prefer them?
That makes sense

Guys, did you know it's NOT OKAY to not think amy schumer is hot??
Oh btw, let's not have comments about whether or not she actually is, I mean sure we're bringing it up but it's been settled that she definitely is so let's all get around and complain that other people, somewhere else, don't agree, the bigots. That

Ah yes, the solution to bad thoughts is to cover your ears and yell "I can't hear you"

I most certainly said nothing of the sort. Moderation in all things.

Damn those Hollywood elites for forcing us to think models with big boobs are attractive rather than culturally defining attractiveness as whatever unhealthy size started to become normal when downing 64 ounces of corn syrup in a sitting became commonplace. Those bastards.

So you're just talking out of your ass without any concern for wildly contradicting yourself from one post to the next, got it

if my recollections of actual middle school avclub are to be relied on, they're on the heavier side. Something about sitting and snacking maybe

so you're saying fat people are also too stupid to realize that they aren't actually less attractive, they're just imaging it all in their crazy heads?

I didn't say that, but if me not wanting to screw them makes them feel bad who am I to tell them that isn't an additional valid reason to not want to be fat? It's just icing on the proverbial cake, you can not die AND get laid. Definition of win win

Wait, wait, now the guy who starts the conversation with LOL u mad is using that as an insult? Man, they must not teach irony until after reading.

The entirely natural, normal and, if popular culture is any barometer, nearly universal human preference for having sex with attractive people.

I'm really starting to get the sense that not only are you the one who's mad but that despite claiming to have read the article you can't actually read.
An analogy regarding the overconsumption of something and the potential for resulting illness not only works well enough to be addressed but is indeed damn near